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Levi and his wife, (Y/n) were currently at home sitting on the couch as a small boy was on the floor playing with their toys. No, he's not theirs. He's Erwin and Hanji's little son, which they somehow got Levi to agree to watch them while they went out of town for a brief meeting. (Y/n) was currently reading while comfortably sitting sideways on Levi's lap as he held her waist; watching TV. The couple never really thought about children that much. (Y/n) had brought it up once, asking him what his thoughts were about babies. Getting the answer 'They're just a bunch of mess-making brats' from him automatically made her think that he didn't want any. But in all given honesty, Levi didn't mind having a child of their own. He was just scared.

That's right. The Levi Ackerman was scared of something. With the lack of father he had growing up, he didn't know the perks of being one, so he didn't say anything about it. Watching the five-year-old play with his toys, he glanced at (Y/n) who was still in her book. The image of his wife with a huge baby belly made him inwardly smile as he held her waist and kissed her head. Smiling at this, she looked up from her book and pecked his lips.

"What are you reading?" he asked as he peeked over to see the contents in her book.

"Just another romance book Hanji let me borrow before she left. It's a lot better than the last one." she hummed as she blushed.

"Tch. That, I mean, that stupid book that was too detailed when it came to.....'you know what'?" he frowned as he tried to keep from saying anything bad, in slight worry the kid might repeat at home only for Levi to be scolded by Erwin later.

"Y-Yeah....that one...." (Y/n) blushed deeper as she tried to continue to read.

The two were then accompanied by another person in the house that was previously playing with his toys. Looking towards his direction, Levi hummed as the boy just stood there and watched them. Feeling eyes on her, (Y/n) looked up and saw him as well and smiled. "Yes?"

"Where do babies come from?" he asked with such curiosity.

Levi choked a bit as his wife hid behind her book out of embarrassment. The question was so sudden and out of the blue, they were not prepared at all on how to answer, especially since they have no children of their own. The boy silently stood there, waiting for an answer to his question.

" tell him." (Y/n) stated as she got up and headed to the kitchen.

"Wait, what?! (Y/n)!" Levi panicked as he was left alone in the front room with the child.

"When a boy asks, the man has to answer. Isn't that what you said?" She yelled from the kitchen, Levi able to hear the smirk in her voice. Cursing quietly under his breath from remembering the statement he had said earlier, he turned his gaze to the boy who was still waiting for an answer to his question. Levi's palms started to get slightly sweaty as he tried to think of the best possible answer but let out a sigh of relief when Hanji came bursting through his front door. Never has he been so glad that the crazy woman had busted into his home, though he would never say it out loud or he wouldn't hear the end of it.

"Hi, Levi~! We're back~! Did you have fun watching our son~?" Hanji said with a smile as she picked up the small boy as he ran to his mother happily.

"Hn. He was good." he crossed his arms.

"Good. Thanks for watching him. We really appreciate it." She smiled.

"Whatever." Levi mumbled.

"Welp! See you later!" Hanji waved as she went out the door with her son.

After Levi got up and locked the door, he made his way to the kitchen where he saw his wife holding back her laugh while she made his tea. He stalked over and pinned her to the counter with a glare. "You had a lot of nerve doing that to me, you brat."

"I-I couldn't help it~" she giggled before hugging his waist. "But you love me."

"You need punishment~" he smirked as he threw her over his shoulder and headed to the bedroom. "We're going to make one of our own."

"L-Levi!" (Y/n) exclaimed with a bright blush on her cheeks as he shut and locked their bedroom door, knowing it was going to be a long night.

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