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"so... what do you want to do? we have the whole day to ourselves!" a happy jungwon could be heard squealing from down the dormitory hall, the loudness of his voice echoing through the corridors that maybe and most definitely was heard by hundreds of people.

sunoo thought to himself as his hand was placed on the top of his head as he walked down the empty hallway with his cheerful and giddy friend next to him. since it was a friday today, classes were cancelled due to the dance that was happening later at midnight.

"well, don't you want to go eat first? it's like, i don't know, 9 am. we have plenty of time to kill until that dance at 11 pm."

jungwon nodded and swung out his keys from his pocket, attempting to wink at sunoo playfully but failed miserably. sunoo giggled at jungwons eyes both closing when he tried to wink and he found that really cute.

"you really need to practice your winking, won."

"PRACTICE?! i'm already good at it, no thank you buckaroo."


the two bestfriends let out a ear piercing laugh as they walked down the stairs together. some other people that were going to their dorms looked at them like crazy maniacs that had just escaped an insane asylum.

"you guys are going to that halloween dance later right?" jake asked his friends with his mouth stuffed with pizza crust, a disgusted sunghoon staring at him while doing so, jay doing something on his phone and didn't even hear jakes question at all, and heeseung just zoning out into the packed streets of seoul.

"yeah, i'm going. have no idea what i'm gonna be though." heeseung sighed and rested his chin on his palm. "do you know what you're going to be?"

"yeah! i decided i was going to be... drumroll please." jake excitedly bashed the table loudly along with jay who had gotten off his phone. "i'm going to be a golden retriever!"

three groans were emitted not even a second after jake spoke and he raised an eyebrow. he was a little offended, it's not like he dressed up as the same thing for the 3rd year in a row..

"AGAIN?!" sunghoon huffed, "it's getting old, jake. please trust us."

"i swear, he should just cosplay as a furry since he loves being a golden retriever so much." jay also added on, snickering at jakes offended expression as he put a hand over his chest to show that he was clearly getting getting offended at the jokes.

"GUYS! this is the last time i'm going to be one i promise!"

"this is like the 3rd time you've said this."

heeseung poked at his cold food with his fork and let out a loud and exasperated sigh. the other three stared at him, thinking heeseung had something to say. the elder just sat there, looking outside with a blank expression thag he usually had, but this time, it was even more blank and unreadable than before.

"i am SO tired." he yawned as he emphasized the 'so'.

"don't you sleep early as fuck though?"

"yeah, but not today. i had something to do last night."

"like what? beat your meat?"

𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓. ༆ heesunजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें