Saving Grace Chapter 7

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You find yourself sitting on the sofa in the Bunker. The thing is, you haven't been there in years. You're also not wearing your workout gear. You're in flannel.

"If it means anything, it wasn't a monster."

You turn when you hear Dean's voice.

"Well, not a human one. It was a drunk driver. Sorry."

Vaulting over the couch, you run at Dean. When you're only a couple of feet away from him, you jump at him. Wrapping your arms and legs around him, you hug him tight.

"Welcome to Heaven, (Y/N)."

You let go of him and stand in front of him. "I've missed you, Dean."

"I've missed you, too, sis."

"Come on. I'll grab us some beers and I'll catch you up."

You follow him into the galley and take a seat at the table.

"I'm sure you have some questions."

"Some? So so many questions."

Dean laughs and retrieves two beers from the refrigerator and joins you at the table. Quickly twisting the tops off, he sets yours in front of you and starts drinking his. "Castiel helped Jack revamp Heaven, if you will. We're all together. Commingling."

"Cas is Jack's right hand man, huh?"

"Pretty much. We're all here, too. Mom, Dad, Bobby...Kevin."

"Wait. But Jack said he wasn't going to interfere. Kevin is...was...he..."

Dean just smiles. "Yea, my brain temporarily malfunctioned, too, when I learned everything. Kevin was one of the good ones. All the good ones go to Heaven."

You finally take your beer and chug a few sips before setting it back down. "Yea. All the good ones." Sadness washes over and you can't help but feel guilty about it. You're in Heaven. Dean is here. You know Sam will join y'all eventually. You'll get to see everybody you've ever cared for. Ever loved. Well, almost everybody.

"Something wrong, (Y/N)?"

"Don't get me wrong. I'm happy that I made it here. I'm so very thankful. It's just..." A lump comes to your throat and you have to fight hard to keep the tears back. "I don't think I'll ever stop missing him."

"Well, it's a good thing you won't have to then."


"Crowley's here. Rowena, too."

"Sure. In my mind. It's Heaven."

"No. They're. Here. Cas told Jack about the time...when we were still alive..." Another drink. "You asked him if it were possible for you to redeem Crowley's soul. When he told you no, the look on your face must have been something else, cause he never forgot it. Had Crowley not redeemed himself on his own, Cas would have fought for him. Well, for you, rather. After Crowley sacrificed himself for us, he ended up in the Empty. Cas talked to Jack. Jack brought Crowley here to ask him what he wanted. He gave him three choices. One, he could go back to the Empty. Two, he would restore him back to the King of Hell. Three, he could stay here. Crowley asked if he could go back to the Empty just so he could continue to sleep. If he was sleeping, he wouldn't be able to miss you. Once your time came though, then he would come back here and be with you. Jack told him about what you asked Cas all those years ago. Once Crowley knew, he said he'd stay here and wait for you. It's what you had wanted after all."

"This isn't a joke, is it? You wouldn't do that, would you, Dean?"

"They're here. They've even buried the hatchet. Crowley and Rowena...they actually get along. So, instead of complaining about her, he's done nothing but complain about missing you." Dean gives you his best smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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