Saving Grace Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

You start repeating his name like a chant, but bury your face in the rug to keep quiet.

"Damn it. Absolutely not." The hand playing with you moves to your hair, pulling your head back. "Be loud. Scream my name when you come."

His order sends you over the edge and his name fills the room.

At the very beginning of your orgasm, he thrusts just once more and joins you with what sounds like the growling noise you've heard before. You can fill him twitching inside of you while he gives you everything he has. So much so, it starts running down your legs.

He slowly lets go of you and gently pulls out. As he lies down, he brings you with him. Wrapping his arm around the back of your neck, he pulls you against his side and kisses your forehead.

"Thank you. It's always so wonderful."

"I should be thanking you," he says as he runs his fingers through your hair again.

You start to lazily move your fingers over his torso while you watch the fire. "You're careful when you're down in Hell, yes? We all know some of the demons secretly want Lucifer back."
When he doesn't answer, you look up to see that he's asleep. You smile and carefully slip out of his grip. Eyeing the guitar that's on a stand in the corner, you make a mental note to come back for it later.

Quickly grabbing a (Y/F/C) blanket off the edge of the couch, you tie it around yourself in a way that resembles a wrap dress. Tiptoeing into the kitchen, you search the cabinets for a glass. You fill it from the sink and quickly guzzle it down. After refilling it, you drink the second round slower. When your thirst is satisfied, you wash and dry the glass and then put it back where you found it.

Quietly making your way back into the living room, you take the guitar and manage to leave the bungalow without making a sound. After making your way down to the beach, you look to make sure you're out of ear shot of Crowley.

Sitting down in the sand, you start to strum the guitar. "Of course it doesn't need tuning." You smile as you continue on. You start with, 'Strawberry Wine', before you start to sing along. When you finish, you jump into, 'Carry On Wayward Son'. One of Dean's favorite.

"Mind if I listen in? I'm your biggest fan."

You look up to see Crowley standing beside you, looking perfect in his suit. Of course, not one hair is out of place. Smiling, you say, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I thought I was far enough out."

"You not being bedside me woke me up, mo bhanrigh."

"Well, nachwIj. How about we go back inside? That way you don't get your suit dirty. You start to get up, but Crowley sits down faster than you can move.

"I'm perfectly fine here, darling."

You smile again and nod your head. "What's your favorite song. Maybe you'll get lucky and I'll know it."

"You'll laugh."

"What? No I won't. Favorites are something special. Almost magical. Okay, okay. How's this? I'll tell you my favorite, let you laugh at me, then you can tell me yours, Crow."

He raises an eyebrow and smirks at the way you left off the second syllable of his name. "Deal."

"Ooh. Look at me, making a deal with the King of Hell." You giggle before speaking again. "My all time favorite. To listen to, sing, play...'(Y/F/S)'.

His lips press firmly together and he looks to the ocean.

"I said you could laugh. Go on."

"I would never."

"What's yours? Please? I'll keep that a secret, too."

He sighs before looking back at you. "Beth."

"By KISS?"

"Yes," he says simply.

"You're in luck. I adore that one. I totally know 'Beth'." You play and start singing at the same time. "Beth I hear you calling,
but I can't come home right now." You smile around your words when Crowley joins in.

When you're done, he smiles. "Thank you. That was lovely."

"You should sing more often, too."

"Yes, that would go over well while I'm sitting on my throne conducting business."

You throw your head back and laugh. "Your subjects would love it. Fine. When it's just the two of us."


"Another deal with the King of Hell. They're racking up."

Crowley smiles again and tucks a stand of hair behind your ear. "Are you hungry at all?"

"Famished. But I can eat when I get back to the bunker. I don't want to waste any of our time together. We do have so little of it."

Suddenly, you find yourself sitting at a small round dining room table in the bungalow's kitchen. You look down to see (Y/F/D) plated in front of you.

"Dining with you is never a waste of time." He pours you a glass of wine and some water, and then pours himself whiskey.

"Thank you," you say before digging it.

"You're very welcome, my dear."
The two of you talk about everything and nothing. Laughing on and off the entire time.

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