Monty grabbed Neo and threw him over to the two. Freddy had enough. He can clearly see that Monty was beyond reasoning. He tried to get rid of Bonnie, tried to take the stage, and is trying to kill his friends. Freddy grabbed onto Monty's claws and tried to push him back.

Neo got back up with the others and saw Freddy struggling. "Dammit! He's too strong."

"The battery! We need to remove it so we can stop him!" Dell said.

Freddy as starting to get pushed back by this monster. His hands were starting to spark from damage, and his body was starting to get crushed by the strength. Monty was close to crushing the star.

"Kids...I'm sorry. He's too strong." Freddy said.

"Not for long!" Yelled a voice.

The group saw a cart going at such speed that it hits Monty on the left side, causing the monstrous Animatronic to let Freddy go as he was pushed to the wall and broke through it. The whole gang saw a figure landing onto the floor. The figure was driving the cart and jumped out of the way just in time. Then another figure appeared and threw a stick of lit Dynamite at the area Monty was at. After the figures got cleared, a loud explosion occurred. After the explosion, they looked at the two. Loona can see them clearly and smiled.

"Nichole! Alilkira! You're ok!"

"Glad to see you're all ok. That was a close one." Nichole said as she hugged Loona and Alilkira hugged Alaria.

"Where...did you get that stick of Dynamite?" Alaria asked.

"I found it in the office area. Don't ask me why it's there. But it was a good thing too." Alilkira answered.

Neo smiled as he and the rest got close. Renamon and Max heard the whole thing and came out to see the girls and rushed towards them for a hug. "Alright! The whole gang together. Now we gotta find Stan and get out of here!"

But before they can say anything, Monty broke through the wall. The monster was not without the exterior and fully a skeletal like Endo. It was far more terrifying than they thought. Loona was not afraid. In fact, she was furious. She took the sledgehammer from Dell and went straight at Monty. The others were worried, but Loona swung the hammer at Monty's head with speed and strength.

"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! I HAVE HAD IT WITH YOU FRICKIN KILLERS TRYING TO KILL MY STAN! GO! TO! HEELL!" She shouted as she keeps hitting the head over and over again. Eventually, with oil spilled everywhere, Monty stopped moving. Loona took several breaths as Krystal and Alaria stopped her from overdoing it.

Dell rushed towards the body and removed the battery to make sure Monty stays offline. Freddy sighed. He knew it was over for Monty. With his head crushed by Loona's rage, there was no chance of him returning. Even though Monty has done some horrible things, he still wishes to give Monty at least a chance of redemption.

"Wow. Never seen you like this before Loona." Renamon said.

"Krystal. Where is Stan?" Loona asked.

Krystal closed her eyes to at least see if Stan is nearby. But as she was searching, Neo spoke to her. "Wait. What if that's what they want? What if they want us to find Stan?"

"All the more reason to find him first and get out of here." Loona said.

"Neo. I understand your concern, but we may not have a choice. Stan is injured and he needs us." Krystal added.

Neo eventually agreed with this and allowed her to find him. After a minute, she was finally able to locate him along with Roxy. But as she was about to tell the others, she felt a sharp headache and nearly fell before Neo catches her. Then, Krystal hears a voice she dreaded so much: William's voice.

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