12 PM. Closing time.

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The three soon made it to the end of the tunnel where ahead of them is a door, along with a capsule like object with a lighting symbol like the one on Freddy. As they were close to the door, Freddy's system was informing him on how low his power is. It got to the point where he was feeling so weak. Max notices this.

"Freddy? You alright?"

"No." Freddy answered as he opened the chest compartment, prompting Max to leave. He did just that as Stan helped him out.

"What's wrong?" Stan asked.

"I am terribly sorry. The recharge cycle had not yet completed when I found you. And already my power is dangerously low. I must recharge and you must continue without me."

"But we can't do this without you." Max protested.

"Don't worry, Superstar. I will guide you on your Fazwatch in case you get into any trouble. Stan. You will have to lead." Freddy then walked into the capsule as the door opened. He entered and it closes where he remains and started recharging. Stan nodded and took Max's hand as they walked towards the door.

The hallway was long and and dark, but there was enough lighting for them both to see. While walking, Stan was still thinking about how bad it was to be in this place. He was worried about Loona, Neo and his friends. He looked at Max and tried to give him a comforting smile before continuing. They soon reached a shelf where Paint cans and boxes were stacked. On their right was a door. So they opened the door to what appears to be a restroom. But there ahead was Chica.

"Stan. It's Chica." Max whispered.

"I can see that. And...is she eating garbage?" Stan asked.

It was true that the Animatronic was eating from the garbage from paper to half-eaten food to rotten things and more. It was almost enough to make the boys puke. But they steeled their stomachs and tried to think of a way to get around.

Stan then gets the idea: On the other side of the shelf is another door that leads to the same bathroom where Chica is the closest. So he knocked some cans down, which catches Chica's attention. She walks out the door to see what it was. Stan and Max soon moved to the restroom and to the other door as quickly as that can without getting caught. It was hard to since the door was near Chica. But they had no other options.

As quickly and quietly as they can, the two managed to make it through a large storage room with multiple shelves with various objects. Among them was a metal crowbar. Stan decided to take one just in case as a way to defend himself and Max.

"Think that will help?" Max asked.

"Better than nothing." Stan replied.

The two made it to what may look like a large boiler hallway where there are boilers and chains around. On the left was a large metal cage wall with what looks like a Monty sign on it. Ahead of it was steam which made it hard to see. On their right was a hallway where they can see a computer station there to monitor the boilers. They took the right was they cannot break the cage wall. But a few steps in...

"THERE YOU ARE!" Shouted Monty's voice as he broke the cage open with his raw strength.

"CRAP! MAX, RUN!" Stan shouted as he grabbed Max's hand and ran. Even with a crowbar, Stan's fear has taken over his senses. Not to mention his PTSD starting to kick into overdrive. While it was dangerous, it did help him ran fast enough to avoid getting caught while Max held on.

"Are you lost?" Roxy asked as she was behind another cage in the hallway right next to the sign pointing to the lobby.

"Stan! Slow down! I-!" Max tripped fell to the ground.

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