"He became one of my best friends. Sure, a lot of the things he did irritated me, like smoking in my house. Fuck, I almost hit him until I finally convinced him to just smoke outside. He also really liked to make fun of my cats, but he also didn't know I used to catch him on the couch reading with one or two of them in his lap. He was a big sweetheart under that sharp tongue, and hardly anyone got to see it," he said quietly, glancing at his house to where that granite headstone sat.

"Eric was the complete opposite. He was sweet, had a really dirty mind, and lived and breathed music. I was the snarky one, really, and I was never a fan of music. But when he played, I felt it. That year we knew each other, he got me loving music, and he taught me basics.

"He made his own guitar here, since this world doesn't have those kinds of instruments. He made me one too, a few months after I'd gotten here. It's still in my room back at base, I couldn't carry it in my bag and I hated every day I didn't have it," Dooo said quietly, fingers messing with that bracelet again.

"Was that his?" Brock asked quietly and Dooo lifted his wrist, letting the metal and leather show more in the sun. "It was. He never took it off, it was one of the few things he had from his home. He'd made a joke a couple months before the battle against the dragon that if anything happened to him, he wanted me to take it," he said and Brock touched his hoodie.

"This was Moo's spare hoodie. He spent a literal month bugging Brian to make him one for when his main one got dirty. I buried him in his main hoodie, after I- after I sewed the tears in it closed. Brian washed it, after the battle," Brock said softly, jaw tense as he remembered that day.

Dooo nudged him, giving him an encouraging smile. "We're getting them back, today, I know it," he said and Brock grinned at him, nodding enthusiastically.

"We are. Come on, we're almost to Scotty's house, let's find Marcel," Brock said cheerfully, sprinting up the last of the steps before reaching the ladder to Scotty's treehouse.

They climbed up quickly, seeing Scotty in the corner mixing something with 704 behind him, Marcel by the crafting table with Basically. Basically looked over with a beaming smile, waving them over.

"I've got the iron, emeralds and binding spellbook, did you find the soul one?" Brock asked Marcel, who nodded. "I did, I found two, though I only need one. If I do this right, I can make the one amulet then duplicate it, so the enchantments are on both," he said, eyes focused on the table as it turned the raw gold into amulet holders.

He took the items from Brock and slipped them into different compartments, holding onto the book. Brock watched as the emeralds and iron wove around the gold, making a rather beautiful trinket that was small yet elegant.

He took the necklace and put it into the enchanter, slipping both books into it with some lapis lazuli. A shimmer glowed a moment, fading away. Marcel grinned and took a deep breath, looking around a moment thoughtfully.

Marcel took the amulet out and moved to the ender crafter, digging through Scottys chests a moment before pulling some netherite out. He mixed everything, eyes focused as his hands moved objects around.

Brock watched curiously, as this wasn't something he was very experienced in. A clink was heard and Marcel grinned victoriously, pulling two identical amulets out of the chest, both shimmering purple.

"It worked!" He said cheerfully and Brock and Dooo grinned at each other, giving high fives. "And... I am done," Scotty said exhausted, picking up two glass bottles and filling them with the potion inside the cauldron.

Brock locked his eyes on the bottles, heart skipping a beat. This was it. They had everything they needed except the flower. Dooo grabbed Brock's arm, the same emotion Brock was feeling swirling in the others eyes.

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