Almost Fucking There

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Scotty was tired, stressed, worried, overworked, overstimulated, and anxious. And yet, he couldn't stop smiling.

It'd been 2 months since they'd went to the Nether, and two months since he'd kissed Marcel. He sometimes felt guilty, especially late at night when he thought of Chrissy, but 4 and a half years was a long time, he knew she didn't wait for him.

He'd told her not to years before he'd been taken to this world that if something happened, for her to move on and be happy. And he really wished she did.

They were at the endgame now. They'd spent the last two months hunting Endermen and gathering pearls. Brock and Marcel had taken the job of making sure they had plenty of Eyes of Ender, while everyone else prepared for the battle.

Scotty and 704 had come together with Moo and Terroriser to do as much research as possible of the Ender Dragon, fighting witches and raiding villages to find every book possible.

Moo had been a surprisingly big help. They'd all warmed up to him, his snarky asshole behavior lessening though he still had a bite. He and Brock had become tentative friends, though Moo still liked to get under his skin. But Scotty likened it to how Daithi got under Brock's skin, at the end of the day they were still friends.

704 and Scotty had become decent friends. The double was still very reserved, didn't smile much and laughed even less. But he had a dry sense of humor that had Scotty dying, and 704 would occasionally quirk a smile as Scotty clutched his stomach at one of his jokes.

As the day grew closer and they grew more prepared, the more terrified Scotty grew. This was going to be the biggest thing they'd ever done, with the hopes that in the end they'll go home.

Marcel and Tyler gathered everyone one day, both looking exhausted but smug. "We did it," Tyler said and everyone just looked at them, confusion on their faces. "We made 20 eyes of Ender. They're ready," Marcel elaborated and everyone gasped, staring at them in shock.

"You- you did it?" Evan hissed and the two nodded. Everyone burst into cheers, Scotty sprinting forward to jump into Marcel's arms. Tyler and Marcel laughed, excitement on everyone's faces.

"We need to prepare now. Create as many healing potions, weapons, back up armor, all of it. Double everything, we're going to win this battle and go home," Tyler said loudly and everyone had immediately split off, heading to their houses.

That was 2 weeks ago, and now everyone stood around their beacon with their bags, best armor and weapons, and a heavy tension in the air. Tyler had an eye of Ender in his hand, looking around at everyone.

"Okay, I'm going to throw this in the air, and we have to follow it. It's going to move somewhat fast, so someone keep an eye on it at all times. It'll lead us to where we need to dig to get to the portal we have to fix, okay?" Tyler reminded them, having gone over this a dozen times the last two weeks.

Scotty held Marcel's hand tightly, 704 by his side looking determined. Tyler took a deep breath and threw the eye as hard as he could into the air, it hovering a moment before flying Northwest.

They took off after it, half keeping an eye on the pearl and the other half keeping an eye out for monsters. Most they could out run, but an arrow to the body could still slow them down.

They traveled for ages, over hills and through rivers. They fought several monsters, avoided even more, and had to take some detours to avoid caves and cliffs.

The first pearl broke but Tyler just threw another one, the group following it further and further away from their homes. Finally, after hours of walking, running and swimming, the pearl stopped and hovered over a spot near some caves before landing in the dirt.

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