Oh My Fuck

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Daithi moved around his home, studiously ignoring the burning glare his counterpart was giving him.

He'd never had a more restless sleep that he did the night before, knowing that cold sociopath was in his house. As soon as they'd gotten back, Nogla had done nothing but snark at him, insult him and talk down about every little thing he'd done.

Daithi had snarked back, of course, but fuck man, this was his house, who the fuck did he think he was? Nogla was pissed at the moment because Daithi had refused to give him a weapon just yet, but he didn't feel safe with the idea of a murderous object in that man's hands.

Daithi had packed him a simple bag, some digging tools, some food, a few torches, a couple healing potions, the like. Nogla still had the iron armor he'd given him the day before, so Daithi wasn't too concerned about him.

"Nogla! It's 8 30, get your ass in here and quit sulking like a bitchy baby," Daithi yelled and he heard a door slam above him. "No slamming doors in my fucking house asshole! My house is mostly glass," Daithi snapped as Nogla slunk in with a sneer.

He already had his armor on, Daithi was pleased to see. "Come on, eat something real quick, we have 30 minutes before we have to meet with the others," he said flatly, tossing some toast and eggs onto a plate and handing it to him.

Nogla rolled his eyes, taking the plate without a word and moving to sit down in the living room. Daithi sighed irritated, rubbing at his head before dishing himself a plate up. He already had his armor on, his sword on his hip. His and Nogla's bags were by the door, Daithi's a bit more filled as he knew he would need more and different things. And he also had a bad habit of over packing, but no one couldn't ever say he wasn't prepared.

At 8 50, Daithi put his plate into the sink to wash later and went to the door, waiting impatiently. Normally he'd drag his feet, but he really hoped this would tell them how to send these guys back home, though he'd really miss Zip and Terroriser. Maybe he and Brock could find a way to send just Moo and Nogla back, that'd be nice.

"Get your ass in gear asshole! We've got less than 10 minutes!" Daithi yelled and Nogla walked smoothly around the corner, blue eyes hard. "I'm here you impatient fuck, now let's go. Do I get a bag?" He asked annoyed and Daithi tossed the one he'd packed for him at him, internally grateful he'd remembered to enchant the glass bottles unbreakable.

He grabbed his bag and turned on his heel, walking quickly from his house with Nogla cursing as he hurried after him. He didn't care, he couldn't wait to get rid of him.

He found Brock, Moo, Brian, Terroriser, Tyler, Zip, Scotty, 704, Marcel and Basically standing at the beacon, though he could see Evan and Vanti walking over at that moment.

Daithi smiled brightly at Zip, the Tyler double smiling faintly back. He looked happier than he had the day before, more at ease though he still stuck close to Tyler. Daithi smirked faintly at Moo, seeing his face covered with a dark purple bruise from his broken nose.

Brian looked smug, and Daithi knew it was because of how Moo looked. Or it could be because Brock was leaning against him? When did that happen?

Terroriser looked happy, fiddling with a small pocket knife that had Brian's mark on it. Zip had a bow and arrow, and Daithi knew it was because they were the only ones he could see trusting with a weapon. Or at least trusting to not use the weapons on them.

Nogla went to stand next to Moo, Daithi finding it funny that they seemed to get along. Especially since Daithi and Brock rarely got along, it was ironic their doppelgangers got along well.

"We just waiting on Anthony and Panda?" Evan asked as soon as they'd joined the group, Daithi noting amused that it was 9am on the dot. Vanti really liked punctuality apparently, because Daithi knew it wasn't Evan.

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