12- Please Whisper A Lullaby For Me

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2 months has passed with me training and taking out scammers along with bringing in some extra children Deschênes had requested as part of a few missions

There was three that actually caught my eye as I was helping them and must I remind, as part of the mission and normal orders from Deschênes as usual which made me tired and annoyed so I somewhat had my secretary do the paper work for me cause funding and money is boring. Neat isn't it?

"Ei-kun" I call her while she was done handling the interrogation with one of the dealers

"Yin-san..?" She turns to me with her face not showing any emotion except her tone for me to analyze

"Come with me. I want you meet some people" I order strictly making her follow me without a word

We were walking in the halls along with some more soldiers who were on standby waiting for any order coming from me or the manager especially

Suddenly, as I turned a corner a pocket knife was flying to my side slicing my cheek enough to make it bleed as the guards immediately pointed their rifles at the cause of my teeny tiny injury as I wipe the blood off my cheek with my thumb as I stare at it

'Is dna yummy?'

You're very dumb

Blinking two times I licked the blood off my thumb while I watched the guards in a position where they're about to shoot whoever comes out of the open room for my injury as Administrative Manager

I cleared my voice at the guards stupidity and not so informative brains as I raised my hand making them lower their guns and rifles

And then two children a boy and a girl at the age of 5, peeked out of the room looking at the guards curiously until they fell eyes to me and Eirene

"You.... you found them?" Eirene looks at me baffled at the sight as the two twins ran up to Eirene sobbing after finding out that their older sister wasn't dead while the third boy who wasn't even related to any of them stared at the siblings dumbfounded

"I found them being taken care of by a nice orphanage" that was a smooth lie, the orphanage wasn't even kind in the first place until I stepped foot in it


"We're here Yin" Nakashima who was the driver announces as we arrived at the orphanage

"Yeah thanks" I thank him with my tone sounding annoyed while he gets out to open the door for me

Getting out I look over to him before smirking "you got a new haircut?"

"Yeah I did. You like it?"

"Yeah, as if. it makes you look like a child" I laugh before sprinting inside the orphanage while he yells at me pissed

(Btw Nakashima is the same age as Yin but he can drive cars already 👀)

Entering the orphanage it already reeked of a terrible smell like someone hasn't done well on the cleaning .... probably the side effects of working at a highly maintained place I guess

Walking to the receptionist he looks at me with a scowl until his eyes immediately showing off invisible hearts noticing I'm probably a rich person

"What is it you need ma'am???" he asks interested in whatever business I have here

I shot a friendly smile at him while Kazuyoshi, or also known as Nakashima finally entered the orphanage as well

"Can we take a look?" I ask sounding very polite having the receptionist nod her head before leading me to the room where the children were kept in

"They're all sleep-" Nakashima whispered before being interrupted by the receptionist

"You can wake them up if you want to, they don't mind!" The guy says and as he was about to enter the room I held his shoulder tightly

"Just leave them be. I would've liked it if you were less annoying. You happen to have twins and another boy that came recently in here no?" I whisper in his ear as I held him back making Nakashima roll his eyes at me

"Y-ye-yes... you mean the t-twins that were stealing-"

"They have names. You wouldn't like it if I called your entire family thieves and dealers at the same time would you?" I taunt in a cold tone as I raise my hand showing him a picture of his family location, and their illegal business

He looks at me horrified before he walks away leaving Nakashima baffled

"You're just as lazy now you let him get away."

"Nuh-uh I didn't. He's shook from seeing a child show him up like that. Old habits die hard I guess" I whisper over to him

The receptionist came back with the adoption papers and I started to sign them

"I'll be coming back in a day to pick them up. Until then let them sleep"

Flashback ended

"That's..that's good to know." Eirene looks at her siblings with no exact emotion set on her face as she neared them and crouched to their height to hug them

I ordered the guards to leave the premises while I let the long lost siblings have their moment



"Yes Yin-san?"

"You have a suicide mission." I say glaring at Eirene as I felt her frown

"Yin-san.. can I please request not to do this... please" she asks almost sounding like she was begging if it wasn't for my long months of teaching her

"It's an order. Though the boss needs this to be finished next year's you still have more time."

She only nods her head with no emotion on her face as I walked away with a cold look on my face as I neared the room where the third child was kept in

Knocking on the door I hear a small "come in" from the child

I then enter the room without having my footsteps make a single sound as usual and I glance at the 5 year old boy who sat on the bedside

He had somewhat, mildly wavy, short, dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes ... and judging from his looks he seems like he isn't growing anytime soon... probably didn't drink enough milk or got enough sleep at the orphanage...

"Yin-san?" The boy asks with a tinge of playfulness in his voice

"Personality and height of your father I see.."

"Hey! I'm still 5..." The boy looks at his fingers showing them to me which was undoubtedly correct

I laugh a bit teasing him "include anger issues" I note down in a notebook

"Yin-san. What's my name?" The boy asks me clearly confused

"I was going to ask you that..so I don't know either!" I say sounding like a literal child

Fumiya...? No, your last name isn't a force to be against... such statements will take this into worse if I'm his enemy

"Just give me one then!!!" He whines messing with my hair pouting

I chuckle at his antics "I don't know really.. you have a real name out there but for now, let's call you Director?"

"That sucks for a nickname" he replies almost immediately while he gives me a careless look seeming like he was annoying me on purpose

"Cedric then?"

"Hm. You know I really want to know my family name. I only know my first.."

"Make up your mind.." I sigh a bit too lazy to think anymore

"My name is Fumiya...?"

"_____ Fumiya."


You guys, your author has come back from the dead you guys better come back as well 😭😭😭 I'm missing y'all where are youuu

Kyoho Saraie-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें