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Sarawat is a singer at a club and tine is a guitar teacher at a school, both are busy at their own works for a week and got no time to meet each other for weeks , finally tine maintained to come to wat's club where he sing and he saw wat couldnt handle himself by drinking so he tried to go closer to him and take him home but this happened a girl came of nowhere and tried to kiss wat he was not in subconscious tine got so angrry and pushed the girl and told her he is mine and his lips are only belong to me dont you dare you touch him again or else i wont go easy on you. tine kissed wat on lips out of jealousy in front of everyone.

'My nuisance prince is that you?' Wat asked and passed out

'Yes my handsome its me' tine said and he took him tine's dorm they had to stay apart because of their busy schedule. tine removed wats cloths and kept wat's head on his laps gently.

"Looking at you right now i wanna kiss you till you fall for someone else" tine said with a sad face,for some reason he felt something is not right even though they are close after a week he didnt felt like he used to be....

Next day morning tine was awake and watt was not there..tine got afraid and he looked for watt everywhere but he couldn't find him so he went to the club again and he saw watt there talking to that girl from last night.

"I told you to stay away from him wth are you doing he is mine.." tine said.

"Tine werent you busy with your works what makes you come here?" Wat asked.

Tine grabbed watt's hand and went somewhere they can talk privately.

"I wanna break up with you tine ive enough of this you are always busy with your things i cant help it"

" Hey saraleo that joke is not a nice one" while hugging him tine said that

Wat pushed him and said yeah because I wasnt joking"

"What are you talking?..."

"I want to breakup with you"

"Is it because of that freaking girl?"

"No I already mentioned you the issue"

"Please dont talk like that wat how can i live without you ? You are the shelter to my roofless home "

" Im sorry i wanna end of relationship with this ,(Wat kissed tine in the lips )take it as a reward to our relationship"

(I missed your countless kisses like this for a week and now you are asking for a breakup tine thought to himself, he was very sad and wondered what was the reason again and again)

"Wat.. I can't trust what you said this is a nightmare please wake me up..i hate this nightmare(while crying)dont leave me please"

Wat left him and went back to his club area and tine also went to his dorm he is like half dead.

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