Chapter 5 - After the battle

Start from the beginning

Putting his kingdom in a huge debt.

In addition to accepting humiliating demands to obtain a more powerful army and navy.

And all 10 years of his hard work was destroyed in just one day.

And this time, King Hark Louria XXIV would have a busy night...


November 10, 1956/1626

City of Esthirant, Empire of Parpaldia

The city of Esthirant and its surroundings contain the glory of the Parpaldian Empire.

While many Victorian-era buildings covered the city, horses dragged carriages through the streets, rich and noble people walked around in elegant and extravagant clothes, while ordinary citizens or even lower class citizens wore whatever they could get their hands on, the shops in the shopping district are working hard. and some guards patrolling.

In the north of Esthirant is the Paradise Palace, which was nothing more than a fifth-rate copy of the Louvre Palace.

In a room in the palace, two men discuss a new threat to their domain.

???#1: "What is this 'American Continental Union'?"

???#2: "If I were correct, based on what our envoy reported from Louria. This American Continental Union is a union of countries from a continent called America, which covers the Far Eastern nations of Phillades."

???#1: "Far East? Did you mean the Great Expanse of the Eastern Ocean?"

???#2: "Yes, Your Excellency."

???#1: "Absurd! The Expanse of the Great Eastern Ocean is full of endless storms and very violent waves! How come there is a continent beyond our seas?! Or probably, there are chains of islands inhabited by savages who have settled their own societies and forge alliances?"

???#2: "No, Your Excellency. This nation is a continent that stretches from north to south. However, this information is still very uncertain, since the Lourians expelled their diplomats."

???#1: "Hmph. Barbarians indeed..."

???#2: "However, Your Excellency, you may wish to call them in terms other than savages and barbarians."

???#1: "What do you mean?"

???#2: "A merchant came into our department and brought important information to us."

???#1: "Tell me."

???#2: "This merchant brought a report from our naval observer to Lourian. In short, while en route from Lourian to the Qua-Toynian city of Maihark, they were attacked by 5 gigantic warships that were escorted by other smaller but still big.In short, these warships fly the flag of the American Continental Union, while others fly the Qua-Toynian flag.

???#1: "And those battleships."

???#2: "They seemed to bear a resemblance and almost matched the Muan warships, from large turret cannons to metal hulls, but they have a gigantic size that surpasses the newest Muan warship."

???#1: "Are you telling me that this Union has Mu technology?"

???#2: "We cannot confirm this yet, Your Excellency. They have deployed 5 gigantic warships only, with 37 smaller escort ships."

???#1: "Mu betrayed us?"

???#2: "N-No, Your Excellency. The Muans would inform your person personally if they really helped this Union."

???#1: "So we're still not sure how this nation worked and how it was formed?"

???#2: "Yes, Imperial Majesty. However, relative to the situation, they seem like a threat to our hegemony."

???#1: "Based on what you told me, we can't underestimate them. I've neglected the Royal Council for too long, I hope they don't make another Triangle War. What happened to our naval observer?"

???#2: "It seems he went to Sonal and stayed there. At some point, the merchant gave me a letter from Watcher Varhal, stating that he would stay in Sonal for the rest of his life."

???#1: "Let him stay in Sonal. My concern is with the war in Rondenius, the naval battle seems to have become a turning point in that war. Keep me informed about the progression of the war in Rondenius, that sparked my interest."

???#2: "As you wish, Imperial Excellency Ludius."


Yo, yo, yo, what's up my dear readers.

KaizerBR2003 in the area

2 chapters in one day?!

Well, this was a short chapter, I hope you like it, comment and share.

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