Chapter 59: World Up in Arms

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In the desert outside of Sunagakure no Sato, the battle between the G.S.A. (Grand Shinobi Alliance) Suna forces combined with the Konoha relief teams against the C.N.F. (Continental Ninja Federation) invaders, led by Amegakure, continued to rage across the sands.

And currently, one of the more advanced Konoha representatives in the fight found himself going head-to-head with an old acquaintance.

The open space for both Kakashi Hatake and Aoi Rokushou wasn't very roomy for the dance number that the two of them were cutting, but with the dangerous electric sword in Aoi's hand everyone on both sides were giving them a wide berth; Aoi's comrades because they knew he had no problems with cutting them down if they were in his way, Kakashi's comrades because this was Kakashi Hatake they were talking about. He was the very last person that needed help against any opponent.

After seeing him thus far in the battle, Suna observers would have to say that for once it was grand to have him on their side instead of against them.

"Use your famous Sharingan already Kakashi!" Aoi taunted as he slashed away at a dodging Kakashi who didn't even bother having a kunai out to defend himself. If it were hit it would only serve to electrocute him in some way, "If you don't you won't last even five minutes against me!"

Swaying out of the range of the Raijin no Ken's tip and ducking swings aimed at his head, Kakashi returned verbal fire, "You're sort of right about that... because this fight isn't going to last five minutes either way." He didn't want to risk breaking out his Sharingan for no reason in that environment either. Savvy combatants like Aoi could play very dirty and take advantage of their environment to gain an advantage.

Aside from that, the sandy composition of the area was a liability. Grains of sand could fly into his eye without warning and handicap him. It was just an unnecessary risk all around at the moment. Until it was deemed necessary he wasn't taking the risk.

Having felt as if he had backed up enough from Aoi's assault, Kakashi lashed out with the throwing of several shuriken. Much like he had anticipated, Aoi blocked them with a wave of his sword, "I'm insulted Kakashi. You think that something so simple would beat me while I'm wielding the strongest weapon in the world?"

"A weapon's only as good as the person using it." Kakashi commented before he saw Aoi stab the sword into the sand and unleash a shockwave of electricity along the ground, "Get away from him now!" He yelled for the benefit of everyone around, not just his own Suna allies if he had to be honest.

It mattered not for more than a few on both sides as Aoi's reckless attack took down more than a few from both sides, something Kakashi found despicable. The silver-haired ninja narrowed his visible eye at Aoi before pulling up his hitae-ate to reveal his Sharingan eye.

If he wanted to be a nuisance that wouldn't just use precise attacks and would thoughtlessly use wide-range ninjutsu at the cost of even his own shinobi it was high time Kakashi just put him down before he injured more people that weren't even fighting him.

A quick motion of three hand-seals built powerful white lightning chakra in Kakashi's right hand as Aoi was still pumping electrical chakra into the ground, grinning at the mayhem he was causing. He looked up and dropped his grin in exchange for a determined look once he saw Kakashi forming his signature jutsu and beckoned him forward confidently, brandishing the Raijin no Ken once more.

Without warning Kakashi dashed forward, and likewise Aoi timed him and swung his weapon. However he hadn't accounted for the fact that Kakashi's Sharingan let him see this coming in well enough time to react. Not only did the swing of his sword not work, it ended with Kakashi driving his hand straight through his chest, "Raikiri (Lightning Cutter)!"

The sealed kunaiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora