the next day, jungkook found himself even more vigilant and careful with his actions. it wasn't because he didn't want to unexpectedly encounter the pretty stranger again but rather because he actually wanted to.

he wants to see the pretty stranger again.

but he wasn't a fan of the crowd or how some people always gave him side-eye and laughed behind his back. jungkook was used to it though - he knew he was weird, not conventionally attractive, and an easy target for bullying. but he never felt the need to do anything about it. it was too much work and wouldn't really make a difference for him. if people kept their distance, that was just fine with him. he had no interest in engaging with others anyway.

they make him nauseated.

except for that one stranger.

next year, he will enter his final year of high school, eagerly counting down the days until he can finally bid farewell to this dreadful place. however, his heart yearns for one last encounter with the enchanting stranger before that.

just recalling that pretty face again made his heart all fuzzy and a smile pop on his lips - a very rare case.

he made his way to the lockers. putting books inside but then suddenly someone leaned against the locker with a loud noise.

"yo jungkook!"

not them again. . . jungkook sighed when a few guys gathered around him - his bullies since middle school.

"what got you smiling nerd? girlfriend? HAHAH" one of the other's said and jungkook rolled his eyes underneath the hood which they couldn't see.

he was not in the mood to deal with their bullshit today. usually, he would simply tolerate it because his mind is always wandering, making it easy for him to disregard these people. however, today was different for jungkook. he had a strong desire to escape, to distance himself from them. all he wanted was to catch sight of that pretty stranger once more, see him from a distance, even if just for a brief moment.

"don't joke around guys! this nerd and a girlfriend? fuck that's hilarious!"

"totally! even his smile is ugly as fuck" the one leaning against the locker laughed while smacking jungkook's shoulder.

"even his glasses, damn how ugly" when one of them attempted to grab his glasses, jungkook was reminded of the pretty stranger who held them. he couldn't understand why, but he didn't want anyone else to touch those unattractive glasses of his.

and without thinking, he slapped the hand that tried to grab his glasses.

the place fell silent for a second as they stopped laughing, now looking at jungkook who had raised his head and glared at them.

"did you just fucking slapped my hand?"

"stay the fuck away from me" jungkook didn't know why he was speaking to them. something he hasn't done in years but today, he feels it would be wrong for them,

to touch the glasses those pretty hands touched.

"what the fuck did you just say?!" the guy who was leaning against the locker straightened up and moved closer to the raven head who continued to glare at him without ceasing.

by then people had started gathering around. whispering and watching the heating-up scene.

"i said, stay the fuck away from me you leech" with a slight tinge of fury resonating in his voice, jungkook softly uttered those words under his breath.

"HOW DARE YOU?!" the guy seethed with fury, and without giving jungkook a chance to respond, he delivered a forceful blow to his face. the impact sent jungkook spiraling into the lockers on the other side and ultimately caused him to collapse onto the floor.

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