♡ Danny Bixler ♡

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Come over tonight.

Danny Bixler × READER!

By: joanne200913

In the morning, you walk to school. You walk to the entrance and walk inside. Students were talking and roaming around the hallways making their voice echoed around.

It was halloween actually, mostly spooky decorations were place in every rooms. You walk to your locker, you grab your books then close the locker, you then grab the padlock and stick it to the hole then lock it again.

You went to your class early cause you have 2 quizzes today so you have to review, then again, noises were distracting you but you ignore it.

A boy slammed his hand on the desk making you flinch away from reading. You look up, it was Danny smirking while chewing a bubble gum.

"What Bixler?!" You push him away, the other guys laughs as so did Danny, you rolled your eyes then going back to reading.

"Someone is feisty today?" He leaned to your desk "Go away! You should go review!" You reply, He chuckled shaking his head "Your still the same, love" He wink at you, you rolled your eyes hiding the butterflies.

You continue reading, he snatch the book.

"HEY!! give it back!!" You shouted jumping to get the book, He pulled you closer with his arm on your waist, He kissed you.

You pushed him away, of course you didnt expect that because you never kissed anyone before, Danny was your boyfriend for over 3 months and you've never kissed him, not even if you both were dating just 3 months.

"Sorry... i- I couldn't help it" Danny says giving you back the book, his other friends were silent after that, You shrugged and grab the book back, your day went to good to bad. You were bad mood today.

Danng sighs and kiss your head before leaving you alone, finally have time to review. He did aswell.

The bell rings then first period was English, first quiz. You sat up straight finally review everything you needed to especially the teacher says what your going to review.

The teacher starts with the greeting and you all stood up and greeted her back, The teacher signed you all to sit down, your seatmate was absent, Maybe he got scared?. Danny took a chance to sit beside you, His hand was on your right leg, you push it away but he didnt budge.

You let him, then the teacher gave you all the papers and the quiz started. Danny didnt even copied your answer. What a loyal boyfriend.

After quiz 1 in English, you and Dany exchange papers then the teacher began to say the correct answers.

After checking, Danny got 27 over 30, you push his paper towards him, he pass you the paper and check the score, your eyes widen "Good job baby" Danny says kissing your cheek, you got 30 over 30.

"Mr, Bixler, today is not the time for that" The teacher says, now she began to call the names of her pupils to get their score, Once she called Danny, danny replied: "27!" He yells then his friends started to laugh he hot an high score.

He always get good grades although his just a bit silly and stubborn, just wating to get some friends too, he even got himself a loving,caring,beautiful, gorgeous, sweet, kind, always angry or short-tempered girlfriend.

He was okay with it, he assune you look cute when your mind which was true. It was the females turn, The teacher called you after Emily "30!!" You say outloud so the teacher can hear, all the students claps and so did Danny, You smiled and look down, you never expect getting a perfect score.

It felt great, Now the bell rings, it's time for the second period, science.

Sir. Harold came in placing his bag down on the desk, he greeted and the students did so too. It was a routine.

There was no quizzes in SCIENCE but the most hardest part was History. 4th period actually, you have time to review most of the lesson.

Sir. Harold started the lesson, mostly all you did was listen and take down notes copying what's on the board.

After for 30 minutes, the bell rings, it was recess. You grab a snack on your bag and began to eat while reviewing, Danny got up and walk out to the cafeteria to buy whatever he wants to eat.

Danny came back, he place down a chip on your desk, you look up and smile "Thanks" he winked at you and kiss your lips again, then he left with his friends.

You chuckled at yourself then continue reading. After about 20 minutes the bell starts to ring again. You close your book and put it u der the desk then the MATH starts. It was 3rd period.. almost at 4th..

After 30 minutes of Math, It was time for History. You all greeted the teacher in, and you all sat down, The teacher readies the test papers and pass it to all of you, then the quiz began.

Danny didnt even copy you again, instead he finished before you! He was fast.

"Are you sure Mr. Bixler? Review your answers" Mrs. Javier (Pronunciation: Havier) says then Danny shakes his head once your done, "You sure, dan?.." You looked at him, he nodded. Of course he's smart! Smarter than you?! No way!

You cant let that happen.

Then, Mrs. Javier let you all exchange papers and the checking began. All the papers return to thier owners and you look at your paper 49/50, "You gotta be kidding me?!" You hear Danny laughs "Look at number 23, babes , its suppose to be B, Not D" You rolled your eyes, he got the same score as you, but he didn copy you at all.

At lunch you and Danny grabs some lunch together. You both sat down with your friends. Danny looks at you and kiss you again "Will you ever stop?" You ask and he shake his head "Wanna come over tonight?" He ask, you nodded "Yeah? Why?" You replied eating your food "Well, I just wanna cuddle you, ita Friday anyways sooo maybe you wanna spend the night with me. For mom itll be okay"

You laughed "How about Bridge? Kass? Do they know?" Danny shakes his head "Itll be a surprise" He wink at you, You chuckle "Okay fine" "Yay! Thanks, princess"

- another story done? Any request??

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- love you all! Thanks for the support!


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