She dragged you along to a store, where bustling crowds walked about as they shopped.
The store was practically filled with high end fashion, making you want the earth to swallow you whole as you gazed upon your own borrowed clothes.
Vi looked around closely, before you noticed that she crept closely to a distracted man who was  listening to his woman's rambling, quickly seizing his wallet from his back pocket and stuffing it into her blazer.
You wanted to laugh, in all honesty, but couldn't as you knew you would draw the man's attention.
The pink woman quickly dragged you along to another section of the store, making it seem as though the two of you were looking around before finally leaving the area.

When the both of you stepped out, she burst out laughing.
"That was the easiest job I have ever done in my life."
You rolled your eyes, smiling.
You two walked for a little while, finally when the coast was clear, before she pulled out the wallet and counted the cash.
He was loaded.
There were several bills in it, and you knew that you could buy yourself an entire five course meal with this kind of money.
"Holy shit."
You gawked, making Vi laugh.

"You're welcome, sweetheart."
It was now your turn to scoff.
"Hey! I never asked you to pickpocket somebody."
"You didn't, but I saved this little trip of yours before it could get ruined."
"Fine, fine... I guess you're right."
She giddily pecked your cheek, grinning.
"Let's get ourselves the most delicious meal we'll ever eat."

And so, the two of you walked around for a little before finding a small restaurant that seemed appetizing enough.
There, you two ate to your hearts content.
Vi had ordered practically everything she could see, and was absolutely flabbergasted when she saw that there was steak in the menu.
This was a dish that you could only ever dream of in the Undercity, and one could die before ever tasting such delicacy.
So of course, she had that ordered.
You simply ordered 1 dish, because frankly you weren't that hungry, and you didn't want to waste any food.

You were barely even finishing your plate when you saw that Vi's plates were licked clean, and it made your eyes widen.
"Jeez... I didn't want any, thanks."
You muttered, watching as she carelessly wiped her face on one of the napkins.
"I told you I was hungry, woman."
"I can tell."
She only threw the napkin at you, making her burst out laughing when it landed on your face.
"Oh you're so gonna regret that. Watch your back, Violet."
You grumbled, placing the napkin aside as you finished eating.

She only shrugged, sticking out her tongue at you like a child.
When you were finally done, she proudly paid the tab and even left a tip behind.
How wonderful it is to spend money that's not yours.
You two were back outside, wandering about and wondering what to do next.
Vi was talking to you every now and then, but now you couldn't even listen.
Your mind was somewhere else entirely, thinking about Ekko, and most importantly, your little girl back at home.
Biting the inside of your cheek and fiddling with the edges of your nails was not gone unnoticed by Vi, so she was quick to pull you into an alleyway and grab your attention.

"What's wrong?"
She asked, her voice soft.
"Hm? Oh, nothing. Just thinking about what to do next..."
You tried brushing it off, afraid that you may annoy her with your separation anxiety.
You knew Ekko was okay, because Vi had told you so, but was he really?
Not to mention the fact that Bex must be worried sick now that both you and Ekko aren't with her.
Thankfully Scar was there, and he was great with her, but he could only do so much.
"You've always been a horrible liar, you know that?"
She sighed.

"Talk to me, love. What's wrong?"
You hesitated.
"I'm just worried. Worried about Bex and Ekko... even though I know they'll be okay. I just... I can't seem to help it."
You muttered, Vi's eyes softening when you said that.
"Truth is I wanted to go out and see if maybe I'd get distracted from those worries, but seems not."
"Hey, that's totally normal. You love them, of course you're worried about them. But you know what? Ekko is a resilient guy who sure as hell knows how to beat some ass, and well, I may not know Bexie that well, but I know that she has a wonderful mother who most definitely taught her to be strong. Sorry, monny, I mean."
She corrected herself, making you chuckle.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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