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The news spread like wildfire. Quick and unruly. It had only been an hour since you stepped into town. You had expected this, though. The rumor mill was always the fastest way to spread and gather information. Whether it was true most of the time was questionable. Unless it pertained to the island's master and yourself. The two of you were the only exceptions, it seemed. This was your intention.

With the news now floating about, it was a matter of time before preparations were taken from your hands. The people of the town would take it upon themselves to organize the festival to welcome your father. All you had to do was sit back and relax. Occasionally, make a suggestion or two along the way. Everything would fall into place as it always does.

"Good day!"

"Beautiful day we're having!"

"Did you hear about that storm?"

"There's a sale going on a few streets over. Buy 70 berris worth and get 10% off."

"A new stock of fruits arrived this morning, we should go buy some."

Various conversations surrounded you as you leisurely walked down the street from the town hall. That was where you had spent the last hour when arriving in town. The town officials held a meeting and requested your presence. It was a simple meeting, updating what had been damaged during the storm, what was being done, what projects were underway, and any other town events that weren't worth remembering at the moment. With no destination in mind and no need to rush, you let your feet guide you while you live in the moment. Listening to the chatter from the people around. Exchanging pleasantries and small waves to those that acknowledged your passing. It was moments like this that made you feel like you were just like everyone else. Just a random person.

A flash of blue crossed your vision, causing you to blink out of your reverie. Stopping your stroll to scan your surroundings. Searching for that vibrant blue color that caught your attention. Was it a bird that flew by? Or a butterfly? It was possible with how fast it disappeared. Whatever it was, you could tell it was a nice shade of blue.

Shocking away the blue distraction, you scan the area once more. This time, to gather your bearings. The docks would be another few blocks away if you continued forward and turned the corner at some point. You could turn back and meet the driver at the town hall, but you did not want to return home just yet. Maybe you could enjoy a small snack and do some shopping before attending to the work back in your office at home. Now that you thought about it, you have not been able to visit your favorite bar for at least a month.

With a destination set, you made your way further down the street. The bar on the outside gave an illusion that it was a hole-in-the-wall style place. Nestled between two buildings, the inside showed it was anything but small. It held a certain charm that wasn't easily explained. Upon reaching the door, you gently push it open. The musty stench of alcohol-soaked wood and freshly cooked food hung in the air.

"Do these eyes deceive me, or is that you really, you love?"

The voice greeting you was gruff from years of damaging vocal cords. Yet there was an underlining gentleness that drew a person in. Though their voice was gruff, the owner was anything but. No older than 50, there behind the counter stood a woman no taller than 4'8". Her salt and pepper hair was chopped short and unruly under a bandana. While her hazel eyes held decades of wisdom and mischief. A previous pirate had chosen to settle down and open a bar with cheap drinks and decent food.

"Mrs. Riggins, it has been too long. How have you and the Mrs. been?"

You give her your best dazzling smile as you walk over and sit at the bar. She took a seat just to the right of her as the others were taken. Mindlessly, you take your hair out of the bun and shake the strand loose. Running a hand through just for something to do while you made idle chit-chat.

"Harika is doing well, just the same as I. Look at ye, finally free after being locked up in that house like some sort of captive. Ye want the usual love? Or should I have Harika whip ye up something special?"

"My usual, please."

"Coming right up, love!"

You relax and close your eyes, letting the ambiance wash over you. It was a nice change from the quiet of your home. The constant prattle of various topics. Some are coherent and others are slurred to the point of no recognition. It was always a constant from the opening till close.

"Here ye are love."

There was a soft clink against the wooded countertop. Followed by a second that was a bit heavier. Indicating your order had been prepared and arrived while you had taken those moments to relax. Glancing down, you observed the liquid in the glass. The dark clear amber gradually faded into a foggy clear to the top due to the ice. A cocktail with hints of coconut, pineapple, and orange that is intertwined with the rum. The ice keeps the drink just chill enough but does nothing to soothe the burn down the throat. A Bahamas Rum Punch. Sat next to the drink, a plate with cucumber slices sprinkled with salt and pepper. A light snack that would tide you over till lunch.

"Thank you, Mrs. Riggins."

"Course love, anything else I can get for ye?" The little woman questioned as she began drying a drinking glass for later use.

"No, this will do for now."

The two of you slip into idle chatter, catching up over lost time. You did miss coming here. It was like a second home. Close to the sea while hearing stories of adventures. It was like a part of you belonging out there in the waters. Your life was here on the island, though, so you were content with living a life out on sea through fantasy. Eventually, the bartender leaves to tend to the other patrons of the bar. Leaving you to nibble on a slice of cucumber. The aqueous texture was smooth while the mild floral and grassy flavor was enhanced slightly by the seasonings. The thin skin gives just enough crunch. A delectable little treat.

"Bartender! The best Rum you have!"

Someone quipped as they took a seat next to you. Their voice took on a cheery yet orotund tone. From the sound of it, the person was a male and in good spirits. Without having to spare a glance their way, you knew instantly that they were a visitor. The smell of the sea and weeks of lacking a proper bath that created a unique musky scent was a given factor.

"Mrs. Riggins, if you would be so kind?" You inquired to the older woman soon after the other spoke. Setting your glass down gently before returning to the last bit of food on your plate.

"Here ye are Captain." Mrs. Riggins acknowledged the man before turning her attention towards you. "Of course love, another round of Bahama Rum punch? How about some more to eat?"

"Just the drink will do." You insisted while handing over an empty plate. "Thank you though. It was truly delightful."

"What's with the prim and proper crap?"

Your eyes snap over to the person taking residence in the seat next to you the moment the words leave his mouth. The sight before you was not what you expect needles to say. He had to be roughly in his 30's. Despite being dressed in ridiculous clothing and done up in makeup, he wasn't that bad-looking for a pirate. You continue to eye him up and down for a moment. Taking in each and every detail before your icy blue meets his pale blue. You hold his gaze for a moment. Giving no indication of what your thoughts are before turning away. Receiving your new drink with a gentle smile. Bringing the drink to your lips.

"Oi! I was talking to you girly."

Annoyance started to seep in as you pulled your drink away. It was a nice morning. Mi is the letter that was. Overall, it was a nice morning. Why was this guy starting to worm his way into ruining it? This wouldn't do in the slightest.

"Sir, for your own safety, I suggest you mind your own."

"Oh ho ho? What exactly are you going to do?"

"I am the least of your concerns." You assured him. You were bored of this conversation before it already started. "Nor would I reveal my intentions to the one I would inflict harm to."

"Watch what you say girly!" The clown growled out as his grip on his drink tightened.

"Do go on."  You drawled not really interested.

"Once I take over this town flashly, there are going to be some changes around here.  Starting with you."

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