Big Top

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Musdaylidea as a whole was a decent-sized island resting somewhere in the grand line. It wasn't too large, but it was by no means small. At most travelers could cross the island within a few weeks by foot. So long as there were no obstacles in the way. The island consists mostly of desert planes with grass and trees dotting the ground to the west and east. To the north, a forested area while to the south home, was the only civilization the island had to offer. A decent-sized area known as Phylle Town.

Consisting of about 3,000 people. all having found a home on the island for one reason or another. Each with a story of their own to tell. The people of Phylle bustled on with their daily lives.   Some attended to errands while others tended to work. The docks of Phylle are full of both local ships and visitors entering and leaving. Some ships had seen better days than others thanks to a particularly bad storm that had occurred out on the sea. That's how one ship in particular found itself docked on the quiet island.

Captain Buggy stood at the dock staring at his ship with a frown. His mood soured quickly the more his second hand updated on the current status. The storm was nasty. It would take at least a month or so for shipwrights to mend the ship. Supplies would take just as long to gather. Lodging wouldn't be a problem. The crew could always set up the tent outside of the town.

"Any casualties?"

"Only Big Top," Mohji replied, rubbing the back of his head. "I have teams set out on various tasks. Team A is scouting outside the town for a place to set up for the night. Team B is gathering supplies to get us by for now, and Team C is scouting out shipwrights that'll either work on big top or have a new ship available."

Grunting in approval, the captain crossed his arms. This was a setback. A major setback. Being stuck on an island wasn't something the blue-haired clown fancied. At least he didn't have to worry about anything. Mohji was more than capable of making sure the crew did their fair share of tasks. The captain could relax on that part.

"Flashly well done. I'll leave this to you then." Buggy spoke before spinning towards the town.

"Captain," Mohji spoke up, caching the others' attention. "Don't be too flashy out there. We still need our captain AND be able to leave."

The two stared at each other silently for a moment. The warning is that no ill will. With silent agreement and a nod, they both went their separate ways. One to attend to the given tasks. While the other is seeking a tavern or bar for a much-needed drink. With a damaged ship and treasure hunting on hold, the captain felt he was more than entitled to a drink or two. Maybe three.

As he walked the main street from the docks, he eyed the various stores and houses. Searching for the first tavern available. Even with a new area, he was on high alert. Never knowing when marines would appear. Faint giggles drifted to his ears as he tuned into a couple of old ladies gossiping to each other as they walked by.

"Did ye hear? Rumor spread'n 'round the vine that the ol' master return'n. Na doubt ta tend ta his treasure." 

"That's not rumor silly. It's true! The master of the island will be returning to town. Even he can't stay away long from his treasure!"

That caught his attention. Their conversation drifted to other things as they walked further down the street. Disappearing into the crowds of people. Similar words drifted between various conversations around the captain as he walked on by. Solidifying this rumor he overheard. That caught his attention. It seemed there was treasure on this island. Conveniently, the owner of the island was also away at the moment. Destined to return in a few months. This was information he could work with. Not right now, though. He needed more information and that damn drink. With an improved mood and a pep in his step, the Captain of the Buggy Pirates set off.

"Can't take over a town flashly without a good drink and a plan." 

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