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The best approach in life is understanding that every decision has its own set of consequences. Whether the decision intentions are good or bad, there will always be someone there who will agree or disagree with the choices of others. It's just how the world works—becoming a never-ending battle of morals based on decisions.

Decisions become actions. Actions become adventures. Adventures become stories. Stories become knowledge. Knowledge becomes power. Power leads to decisions. Then the cycle continues. Never the same path, never the same pattern. But always the same never the less.

Your father had taught you that. One of the many things you learned from watching him rise and fall from the sidelines. Something that no one questioned. You knew the man well from the letters and occasional snail calls. Rarely did you meet in person. It wasn't uncommon for him to be so distant. That was the way of a pirate's life. Hiding their most prized possessions from the world.

That's what you were. His prized possession. Although never here, your father would give you anything to ensure you had a comfortable life. He does everything he can from afar. Even keep you hidden.

It annoyed you to great lengths. You are your father's daughter after all. Your temper kept hidden behind calculating eyes. Time is taken to think things through so that it benefits you in the long run. You understood everything though. You understood every decision he made was to protect you. However, that understanding didn't come until later in life.

The more you dwelled on the past, the more your heart hardened into stone. You respected him as the man he was. Someone with power that demanded respect. Yet could you love that same man as the father he was supposed to be? Though by blood and birthright, he was indeed your father, did that truly make him one though?

That one thought often plagued your mind when it came to your father. Whether you should consider him that or not. The one decision was one you could never really confirm with yourself just yet. When it came to the town on the island, however, they considered the man as your father and their protector and in turn, you were the town's greatest treasure of all.

To you, there was nothing really special about you to be considered a treasure. Other than a status that should have been revoked years ago when your father's tile as a warlord was removed. How he managed to be able to keep his territory though was beyond your knowledge. Though you knew he had a knack for business and a silver tongue.

Faint knocks on the door drew you from your musings, alerting you that reality was indeed still there. A soft click soon followed after the knocks as a butler stepped inside holding a letter. The butler was no more than in his late 60s, having a gentle smile and a grandfather-like personality. Always there to assist you since you could remember. Though just the help of the house, he helped raise you. To you, he was your grandfather blood or not. His wise brown eyes crinkle with pure happiness as he meets yours through the mirror.

"My lady, a letter arrived for you just a moment ago. Would you like to read it now, or should I place it in the office?"

Your eyes flicker away from him to yourself in the reflective glass as you resume brushing the long locks of ashy hair. The task you had started the morning with before losing yourself in thought. Icy blue eyes stare back briefly, cold and calculating while pondering what to do with the letter.

"I suppose I shall take the letter now." You spoke finally while setting the brush down. Gathering your hair you placed it into a simple bun to keep your hair out of the way. "Please have breakfast sent to the garden. Will you be joining me, grandfather?"

His smile never wavers as he watches you walk over. Passing the letter with ease. "I'll make sure that breakfast is in the garden, unfortunately, I won't join you today I'm afraid. I have to leave for a few hours to take the wife to the doctor."

"Oh grandfather, why are you here? You should be there now. Take the time you need."

"There are still some things to do-"

You held up a hand to stop him while flashing a bright toothy smile. It was sweet of him to care for you, but you could handle yourself now as a young adult. He couldn't care for you forever.

"Grandfather, go to your wife. Take the rest of the day off and tomorrow. Hell, take the entire week if needed. I can manage just fine on my own. There are also at least two others in this house that can assist me if I need it. You're priority right now is your wife. She hasn't been well right? If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I won't take no for an answer. Family comes first."

Without giving the old man any chance to refute, you quickly ushered him on his way. He always refused a well-deserved break and you were not taking no as an answer this time. Closing the door behind you, your attention immediately fell to the letter. Your smile fell into a curious frown as you examined the exterior.

There were no noticeable identifications on the outside. Just plain parchment. That alone removed numerous possibilities of the letters' origins. A mystery that wouldn't be solved until the contents within are revealed. With swift movements, you opened the letter. Your eyes skimming over the words scrawled in neatly looped letters.


It was all you could muster to yourself. Your eyes retrace the words. Carefully drinking in the information. It was a letter from your father informing you about his arrival in some month's time.

"Looks like preparations are in order...fuck!"

This news was not welcomed in the slightest. There was no rhyme or reason for your distaste of the news. The irritation always prickled under your skin whenever you both were in the same room. It was like you both were the exact same person and you both clashed badly. Yet you still could not decide if you could consider him a father. Best still call him that out of respect then.  There were still months till his arrival which meant you could continue about your day. 

There was no point dwelling on things like this. It wasn't anything you could control. What you could control was the quiet gurgling sound from your stomach. Breakfast was awaiting you in the garden. A moment of tranquility you wouldn't pass by.

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