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Sterling and Presley were born a couple months ago. both looking so much like Happy its as if I was carrying his mini me's if not clones.

The moment Papi and I got to hold our boys we fell in love and swore to protect them with everything we have.

THe first night we had them Home Happy and I hardly slept we was watching our boys sleep still not believing they finally came into the world.

Happy wrapped his arms around me and thanked me countless times for going through the long endless hours of labour to birth his little mini me's.

"I kissed him and told him I couldn't wait to do it again.

When I had gotten the clear Papi started breeding me again. we'd of course stop when Our boys woke or when we needed to handle bathroom business. But after that we'd be right back at each other again and again.

Nine moths later we had triplets all boys and they like their older brothers looked just like Happy.


A/N: ran outta ideas so I ended it here.

thank you for the views and votes.

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