🏎️CHAPTER 12🏎️

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1st December 2019:

Lando's POV:

"Where are you off to in a hurry?" My dad asks as I walk around my parent's hotel room. "I'm going home," I inform him. "Already? You literally just got back from media and everything." My sister Flo walks in. "Flo, where's that letter you put on my bed?" I turn to her. "I haven't touched it, since I put it in your bed Dumbass." She glares at me. "Because it wasn't there, and I really need to read it. It's important." I rush out.

"Mum was last in your room, tidying it before you came home. Maybe she put it somewhere. I don't know, ask her." She huffs, walking out of the room. "What letter?" Adam asks. "It's nothing that concerns you, Dad." I smile at him, seeing worry in his eyes. "Okay, I won't hassle you then, I'm going out for dinner with your mum." He smiles, patting me on the back before walking to the toilet.

"Mum, have you seen my passport?" I ask the woman that birthed me, as she walks into the hotel room. "Yeah, it's in my suitcase. I know what you're like. Didn't want you losing it." She laughs slightly. "Right, because I'm just so silly." I slowly nod, walking to the bedroom. "Oh, I'll get it for you." She quickly lifts her head and starts walking behind me. "I've got it mum, I don't need assistance." I laugh.

"Yeah, but I don't want you seeing my lingerie." She says with a straight face. "Mum, I literally came out of you and bathed with you until the age of five. I'm not going to be freaked out by your underwear." I scoff, finding her eagerness to get to her suitcase suspicious. "But, still..." She wonders if not knowing what to say. "You are acting really weird." I shake my head, reaching into the wardrobe to get the luggage out.

"It's in the side." She pours to the zip. "Yeah, I know where you keep them Mum." I laugh, zipping the zipper across and pulling out my passport. "Wait, do you have any thick socks I can borrow for the plane? I know you always pack a pair." I ask, beginning to open the main bit. "Yeah, they're at the bottom of the suitcase though." She shuffles a bit closer. "Oh, I'll move your stuff then." I shrug.

"You can't look in there." She slams her hand in the case. "You're being weird mum. You never usually have a problem with me going through your stuff. It's like you're trying to hide something." I raise my eyebrows, watching her eyes open wide. "Where is it?" I stand up straighter, putting my hands on my waist. "What are you on about?" She asks, trying to play stupid.

"The letter mum. You know the one from Amelie." I scoff. "No, doesn't ring any bells. I haven't seen any letters; apart from the post." She shrugs. I quickly leapt forward grabbed the suitcase out of her hand and ran to the bathroom locking the door behind me before she could reach me. "Lando Norris!" She shouts, banging on the door. "Cisca Norris." I mock her voice, flipping the suitcase open.

"Open this door." She demands. "No, you are a liar mum, I don't like liars." I scoff, moving the clothes in the case. "I didn't lie, I just kept certain truths from you." She tells me, and I can just imagine her shrugging her shoulders. "Yes, lying, mum. Because tell me why I've just found a letter, addressed to myself. With Amelie's, neat, cursive writing?" I ask piling the envelope out. "Lando, don't read that." My mum begs.

"I'll do what I want." I scoff, opening the envelope. "I'm warning you, Lando." She shouts. "Can you be quiet? I'm trying to read, and I can't with your nagging." I groan out, annoyed with her. "I just tried protecting you." She mumbles. I shake my head, looking down at the writing I missed so much.

Dear Lan, no scrap that. I only have one piece of paper and I can't mess it up. I also don't want to make it too long, because you won't read it otherwise. But I'm about to tell you why I left, and why I was so distant at the end of two thousand and fifteen. Wow, I sound like Hannah Baker in her tapes. (Laughing face emoji)

What you're about to read, I don't want you feeling pity for me, and I certainly do not want you to blame yourself. It was my fault, and my fault only. My stupid bodies.

Long story short (as I'm running out of room!) I was pregnant. I found out in September two thousand and fifteen. Remember when I passed out, fell into Mills, and knocked her out? Yeah, I was three months. I was stupid for not telling you, I realise that now. I had just turned sixteen and was scared. I didn't want to ruin your life, you had these dreams of becoming an F1 driver, and you're there. And you're amazing, you always were.

You're probably wondering, what the fuck happened. No, I didn't run away and have the kid. We don't have a child running around. In November I lost it. My body was too small to carry it, and I miscarried. I was going to tell you about the pregnancy on your birthday, but by that time, there was nothing to tell. I was ashamed and I couldn't face you. I felt like a failure, I failed to you as a girlfriend, and as a mother.

I'm running out of paper now, but that's all. Erm, I hope you feel better now that you know, you've been wanting this for the last four years. And now you have it. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you Lando. And I am so sorry I kept it from you. I felt like you didn't deserve to get your heart broken like that. But unknowingly to me leaving broke you even more. Erm, that's all really, I have nothing else to say apart from I love you. And I've missed you. Oh, and I'm really sorry, once again.

- Your Eli

"Lando, hunny." I hear Mum gently knocking on the door. I let out a sob, pulling the letter to my chest. "Come on Lan, let me in." She says. Suddenly I'm overcome with rage, towards my mum. I push myself up from the floor wiping my tears before throwing the door open. "Land..." My mum begins to talk. "No." I hold my finger up to stop her. "I can't believe you, mum." I scoff.

"You know how badly I wanted the answers as to why, Eli left. Four years Mum, four whole years I have been waiting for them. And when Amelie finally lets me know, you strip me away from that. I don't care whether you were trying to protect me, that was fucked up. You have no right to be in my business. This was something personal to Eli, and you invaded that."

"Why, because she broke your son's heart? That happens, it's life, she was struggling and didn't know how to ask for help. She thought running away would help. Trust me I know her enough, to know that's why she did it. So don't try it, please keep your mouth shit while I say this. Eli is a great girl, with a bright future. Whether I'm in it or not. She doesn't need people like you in her life."

"And to tell her to stay away from me, just can't believe that, mum. How do I know? Milly told me. You made Amelie feel like shit, so the next time you see her you apologise, properly. Treat her like a normal human being, because she has done nothing wrong. And as for us, we're not on speaking terms. I don't want to speak to you. I'm going to go home and speak to Eli, and I don't want you trying to contact me."

"I'll be ready to talk once I'm not baffled any more. That's going to be a while, because who in their right mind, keeps something like this from their son? To deprive them of answers they have been waiting for; for years. I'll see you whenever mum." I finish my rant, turning around and storming out of the hotel room. "What's got you in such a hurry man?" Max Fewtrell stops me in the lobby. "Nothing, I'm fine." I ramble out.

"You've been crying, what's wrong?" He asks. "God, nothing Max. Just leave me alone." I whisper, my voice cracking. I sigh, Turing around and I'm met with Milly. "Oh, Lando." She sighs, wrapping g her arms tightly around me. "I had no idea." I cry. "None of us did." She tells me. "Where is she?" I ask. "Her plane took off like, two hours ago." She informs me.

"Erm, I'm going to go and speak to her. I will have to wait like seventy-five hours to do that, but I can handle that." I take a deep breath. "Go and get your girl back, Lando." Milly winks, patting my back before she walks to Max. "Go and get my girl," I whisper, walking out of the hotel.

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