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19th November 2019:

"I can't." Amelie sighs as she sits in her room with Milly. "You can, I can come with you if you want." The blonde suggests. "No, I have to do this myself." Amelie sighs, standing up from her bed. "I'll be right here when you get back." Milly smiles, holding the envelope out. "Yeah, thank you for helping me, Mills." The brunette smiles, taking the envelope before hugging the therapist. "Anything for you." Milly winks, watching Amelie walk out of the bedroom.

"Where are you off to?" James asks as he watches his daughter walk to the front door. "Oh, I'm going next door quick?" The brunette tells him. "I don't think that's a good idea, Cisca said you were really rude and disrespectful towards her." Sarah walks out of the living room. "Me?" Amelie points to herself, in disbelief. "I'm not the one who told her to stay away from her son?" The teenager scoffs.

"She told you that?" James asks. "Yeah, and by both of your reactions, she only told you half the story. I'll admit, I was quite rude, but can you blame me? She literally forbade me from seeing, talking or being in the same proximity as Lan. You can't blame me for being a bit pissed off about that. It's like Nan telling you to stay away from one another." Amelie explains, making her parents sigh.

"Okay, you do what you need to do. Just if it's Cisca please try and be nice." Sarah smiles at her daughter. "I can't promise anything." Amelie laughs, walking out of the house. "What do you want?" Lando's sister Flo answers the door, crossing her arms. "Erm, hi Flo." Amelie smiles slightly. "Let's not do that, Amelie. What do you want?" The girl shakes her head. "Erm, this is for Lando." The brunette holds out the envelope.

"It's three years too late if it's to do with his birthday It was, six days ago, might I add." The youngest sasses. "I know, I saw him." Amelie sighs. "And you didn't bother to say hello or wish him a happy birthday?" Flo questions taking the envelope. "He made it pretty clear, the last time we spoke. He didn't want to be friends." Amelie shrugs. "So what's in the envelope?" Flo questions. "Not that it's any of your business, but it's the reason why I left. Lan needs to know." The nineteen-year-old says.

"And why should I give it to him?" Flo wonders. "Because it will give him the closure he needs. Be able to move on, find someone else." Amelie admits, as much as it pains her to say. "I'll leave it on his bed. He's back tomorrow so, he'll be able to read it then." Flo gives her old friend a tight-lipped smile. "Thank you, Flo, it means a lot." Amelie smiles, walking away. "Am!" Flo shouts, stopping the May girl in her tracks.

"I know Lando acts like he doesn't want you to talk to him. But he's still in love with you and has been a moping mess since you left. So I ask for one thing and one thing only. Try and make up with him, I can tell you still have feelings for one another. Lando never shuts up about you, and quite frankly, I miss you. I really do, Amelie." Flo sighs. "I'll see what I can do, it all depends on how Lando reacts to the letter. And I missed you too if it means anything to you." Amelie nods, walking off.

"What's that?" Cisca asks Flo as she walks into the kitchen. "Did you get me my watermelon?" Flo asks, ignoring her mum's question as she looks through the shopping bags the woman has just brought in. "Yes, it's in that bag." Cisca points to the bag in the middle. "Yes, and the envelope it's for Lando." Flo shrugs, pulling the watermelon out. "Is it from Amelie, because that's Amelie's handwriting?" The mother points out.

"Yes it's from Amelie, what about it." The girl asks, picking it up. "Where are you taking it?" Cisca asks. "To Lando's room." Flo rolls her eyes, walking out of the kitchen. "Is everything set up for Lando's arrival tomorrow?" Adam walks into the kitchen to see his wife. "Almost, but you're acting like he wasn't here a week ago." Cisca laughs. "Yeah, well he was only here for two days. He's staying for the whole week though so I want everything to be perfect." Adam tells her. "And everything will be perfect. Stop stressing." Cisca laughs.

"What are you doing?" Cisca asks her mum as she watches her linger in Lando's bedroom. "Cleaning." The woman lies, spinning around to look at the youngest, hiding her hands behind her back. "Are you crying?" The youngest asks. "No, it's the dust in here. It's found its way into my eyes." The mother waves her daughter off, lifting a hand up to rub her eyes. "You're weird." Cisca shakes her head before walking into her bedroom.

The older Cisca shuts her son's door so no one can see her in there, making her way to his bed as she pulls out the open envelope, with the letter Amelie wrote. "Poor girl." Cisca shakes her head, reading what happened and the raw emotion in the letter. Re-reading it for the third time didn't make it any better, while she tried to keep her cries hidden. Finishing the letter, Cisca folds it back up and hides it in her pocket, quickly picking up Lando's dirty clothes from the previous week.

"I've been looking for you, mum." Oliver opens his little brother's door to find the woman. "Lando has decided to come back a day early, so I'm off to get him from the airport." The eldest kid informs her. "Your dad is going to go crazy, nothing's ready for him!" The woman rushes, picking the wash basket up and walking out of the room. "Well, I'm leaving now. So do whatever you need to do in the next five hours." The blonde shrugs, making his way down the stairs.

"Drive safely!" Cisca shouts. "I always do mum," Oliver shouts up the stairs before walking outside. "What's wrong?" Adam asks his wife seeing her frown. "Nothing." She shakes her head, the letter still on her mind as she walks downstairs. "Oh yeah, and Lando will be here in like five hours." She lets the man know. "Oh my god, nothing is ready," Adam stresses rushing back into his bedroom.

Later that night Lando and his family all sit in the living room watching a random movie that was on. Cisca kept staring at the boy, deciding whether or not to tell him about the letter Amelie had written to him. "Why do you keep staring at me, mum?" Lando asks the woman, smiling at her. "I've missed you, that's all." She smiles guilt filling her stomach, as she decides not to tell him. She's protecting him, he's too innocent to find out about that.

Plus he had the last race in the season in two weeks times. He had to keep his head in the game, telling him about the letter would make him lose his main focus on the race. Cisca couldn't let that happen. "You literally saw me last week." Lando laughs, breaking his mum out of her thoughts. "Can a mum miss her son in peace?" Cisca shakes her head. "Sure mum, but stop being weird and staring." Lando laughs, putting his attention back on the TV.

Stay ~ Lando Norrisحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن