"In fact, only Shiro could have made that shot."

The old man's eyes slid to her, and he winked.

Shura stared at him perplexed, an uncanny feeling taking over. She reached out a hand, touching his scruffy Jaw.

"Shiro?" She whispered. "Is it...you? But how!?

"LOOK OUT!!!!" Shiro pushed her roughly out of the way as the monster's claw slammed into him. The force of the blow sent his body tumbling into a brick wall, knocking the wind from his lungs.

The beast's ugly head turned once again towards them. Shura raced out in front, conjuring Fang's power. "LADY KIRIGAKURE TECHNIQUE! WHITE FURY!!!"

In response, the monster unleashed a blazing torrent of hellfire. Shura held back the flames with every ounce of power her blade had. But much to her horror, her sword began to sputter, losing its demonic glow. Jack Frost had left her.

"Run for the City!!" Shura shouted at Shiro. "I'm out of demon juice; I'm gonna die!!!"

"I won't leave you!!!"

"That's an ORDER!!!!"She barked. "I'm in charge here!"

Shura screamed as the fire intensified, scorching her skin like vellum in a bonfire. The flesh peeled away from the tips of her fingers, and large rippling blisters marred her beautiful face.

Shiro ran to help, but he couldn't get there in time. The same thing happened as before. His legs froze in place, and he fell hard to the concrete.


Shura felt as if she was dying; this was indeed the end.

She felt intense pain, the roar of flames...followed by nothingness.

The sound of fluttering fabric and calming white light lulled her from the encroaching blackness and back into the land of the living.

The fire was gone, and Shura was strangely ensconced within a cool and billowing shroud. Was this what heaven looked like? Had she passed over to the land of Azazel? She felt strong arms encircling her waist, pulling her into a protective embrace.

It was then that she realized the fire still raged from all sides. 

"Darling, let me get rid of this beast for you." The tranquil voice soothed. "You performed admirably today. I am so proud."

He raised a hand nonchalantly above his head and snapped his fingers. With a roar of thunder and a blinding chain of red lightning, a slice expanded within the skyline, swallowing the monster into a black void. He snapped his fingers once again, sealing the spacetime.

Shura raised her eyes to her saviour and was met by Mephisto's face mere inches from her own.

"Are you alright?" He whispered, kissing her forehead gently. "I thought I'd almost lost you. Don't ever frighten me like that again."

Shura's body, scorched, battered and bloody, gave out from injury and exhaustion. Mephisto caught her in his arms, wrapping her broken form within his cape.

"I'm burnt too bad." Shura groaned. "The pain...I can't..."

"No, I won't let you die." He promised matter-of-factly. "Darling, you are much too important."

Mephisto brushed his fingers over her eyes, and she fell into a comatose state.

"Sleep now...my dear.." He murmured. "It's for the best..."

As the demon turned to leave, Shiro stood in his way.

"Where are you taking her?"

"She needs immediate medical assistance." The demon replied. "These wounds are horrendous, and the pain unbearable."

"She'll die from the infection!" Her appearance broke Shiro with concern. "Dear god, Shura!!"

"Mmm. maybe not." Mephisto reasoned with a hint of darkness creeping into a voice. "Perhaps a dose of my blood will fix all of this?"

"WHAT!!!? NO!" Shiro snarled with immediate realization. "She doesn't deserve that! Shura's too good to be us!!!"

"You mean she's too good to be with me?" Mephisto laughed. "What's the matter, Shiro? Jealous?"

"What the fuck are you rambling on about?"

"You abandoned her," Mephisto narrowed his eyes. "You abandon everyone, including me, Yuri, your children. It's your fault, Shiro--all of it. I'm offering this girl the thing you denied her, the thing she's always wanted, a chance to live. And in return, she will become my new Champion."

"Don't you mean your slave?" Shiro mocked. "She will owe you a lifetime of servitude?"

Mephisto lifted Shura's limp hand to his lips and kissed it with a deliberate slowness.

"No, Shiro-pon..." His grin was full of fangs. "I'm giving her love..."

"You fucking liar!" He snarled. "You don't love her!!! You're incapable of that!"

"Says a man too self-absorbed to care." The demon chuckled. "It's too little, too late eh, Shiro?"

Shiro balled his fists at his sides. Mephisto turned his back and walked away.

"I don't believe any of this!!" Shiro accused, calling after him. "This is just one big manipulation!"

"Fine, Shiro-pon, have it your way," Mephisto announced haughtily as a portal opened before him. "Explore this timeline as long as you wish. Let's see if you can do any better."

"It can't get any fucking worse!!!" Shiro roared. "You bastard!!!"

Mephisto rolled his eyes, flipping Shiro the finger.

"SHURA!! If you can hear me!!!" Shiro shouted after them. "Don't agree to anything he says!!!" He'll steal your soul!!!!"

With a snap of his finger, Mephisto and Shura disappeared.

And Shiro was left all alone.


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