Chapter 2: Sebastain

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Walking into the fire station I'm hit with all the memories I've kept locked away. I used to come into the station almost every day when my then girlfriend's dad was working.

Speaking of which. There he stood right between the fire truck and the EMT van. His arms were crossed and had a scowl on his face.

I knew coming back to Lavender Springs I wouldn't be welcomed back with open arms but I had hoped it wouldn't be too bad. Guess I was wrong.

I slowed my steps as I approached him. My hands are sweating and my heart is beating erratically in my chest. I hold a hand out to him and pray he doesn't break it.

Henry looks me over from head to toe then with some reluctance grasp my hand in a shake. But squeezes just a little too hard.

"Captain Cavill." I say.

Henry smirks then tugs me closer. "That's right. I am the captain.." He says, voice leaking with venom. "Step a toe out of line and you're gone." He releases my hand and I step back.

"With all due respect sir, that's not up to you."

Henry's eyes darken as he steps forward, crowding my space. "Just because you have a budding relationship with the Fire Chief doesn't mean I'm going to take it easy on you."

The sound of laughter echoes from upstairs. We both take a step back knowing that whatever conversation we need to have needs to be done in private.

"Put your things away then meet me in my office." He orders and then walks away.

This already isn't starting off well. Finding my cubbie I placed my bag in it. I take a deep breath, square my shoulders, and go find the captain's office.

Henry is sat behind his desk phone to his ear as I walk in. There are a few pictures on the shelves behind him that are turned down. It doesn't take a genius to know it was pictures of Eloise. But damn it stung.

Not a day has gone where I didn't think about Eloise. I know I fucked up by just taking off without telling her. But at the time I didn't see any way around it. My plan was to always come back for her. I hoped that she would hear me out but based on the way Henry was treating me I doubt Elosie would even spare me a glance.

I have a lot to make up for being back here and the first thing is to find Eloise. I made a promise to my mom that I would find Eloise and make it right again. And I wasn't going to break it.

Henry grunted at whoever he was talking to then muttered a "bye" before slamming the phone down on the receiver.

"It's no secret that I'm not happy about you being here." Henry started. "But your resume speaks for where you've been these last six years."

He stares at me with curiosity in his eyes. I knew he'd be able to figure out where I'd been but I'd hope he would let me be the one to tell Eloise.

Clearing my throat I sat up straighter. "Sir, there are things I need to say." I glanced around the room again trying to gather my thoughts. "But before I explain it to you, it's only fair that I tell Eloise first."

Henry opened his mouth to speak but before he could object I helped a hand up, pleading with my eyes for him to understand.

"I regret how I handled things back then. But at the time it was the only thing that made sense to me. Coming back here was always a part of the plan but I just didn't expect for it to take as long."

Henry assessed me, trying to find any deceit to my words. He wouldn't find any though. But Elosie had to hear it first before anyone else. Finally, he sighed and stood up.

"You have your reasonings for leaving just like I have my reasoning to tell you to stay the hell away from my daughter." He rounded the desk just as the door to his office opened. With a quick glance over my shoulder his shoulder deflated. "But it looks like that's not going to happen." He muttered.

The moment the door was all the way open I knew. I felt it in the way the energy in the room shifted. I knew it in the way the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and turned around.

My heart skipped several beats when I finally looked at Eloise. She looked exactly the same but with more maturity in her eyes and they way she stood taller at the door.

God, just being in the same room as her  I felt like I could breathe properly again. All these years apart I've barely kept my head above the water. I've been dreaming about this day for a long time.

"Eloise." I whispered as tears pooled in my eyes.

Her eyes flickered with longing before anger took over. She stormed over to me, raised her hand, and slapped me across the cheek.

Henry sputtered out a laugh but tried to cover it with a cough as I brought my hand up to my cheek. It stung but I wasn't sure if it had to do with the force with which she slapped me or because after so long our touches were still electrifying.

That spark was still there and I was planning to use it to my advantage.

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