Emmie was glad she hadn't dropped her camera with the sudden reaction. There would be no retrieving the photos if it had gotten wet. She watched as Joe neared her once again, this time taking the camera back into his grasp, shooting her a smirk before rushing off with it.

"Hey-" She began, her eyes following his footsteps. Joe rushed over to where their shoes lie, her bag still in a pile beside them. His feet were covered in wet sand, as he continued his trail with the camera. He crouched down in front of their belongings, gently placing her camera inside the bag, so it could no longer get damaged.

He rose to his feet once more, spinning around to face her again. She watched his eyes light up, amusement flashing across his face but she didn't know why. And that was then he smirked at her from across the sand, beginning his stride back towards her.

Joe was a few steps from her when Emmie when to ask him what was happening. But she wasn't even able to process anything, as Joe quickly wrapped his arms around her waist and walked further into the water.

"Joe!" She squealed, her fingers gripping onto his arms, in attempt to feel more secure in his grasp. She watched the water rise around them, curling her legs up as she realised Joe was at least knee deep.

"Put me down." She told him, a giggle escaping from her lips as he ignored her calls. He smirked to himself, deciding to keep making his way through the waves.

"What was that?" He teased, shaking his head with a smile. He loosened his grip slightly, her body slipping, making her fall further into the water, her legs completely submerged. Emmie grabbed hold of his shirt, as the temperature of the water made her gasp. Joe chuckled, his arms holding her up from under her thighs, her legs now wrapped around his waist as she looked down at his overly excited face. She could tell this whole situation was amusing to him.

"I'm sorry." Joe snickered, "I thought you told me to put you down." He looked up at her, the smirk never leaving his face. Emmie quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, hoping that he wouldn't drop her again. But Joe had other plans. He raised his eyebrows, a devilish grin forming as he suddenly removed his hands from where he held her legs. Her body slipped as she realised what he had done, but kept her arms locked around him as she pulled him into the water with her.

The two of them went under within seconds, Joe's hands instantly travelling to her waist as he pulled her closer to him. He grasped her hand until they reemerged, gasping for air. Emmie wiped the water from her eyes, pushing her wet hair back away from her face. She let out a laugh as she stared at the two of them, completely soaked, standing in the middle of ocean as the waves crashed against their bodies.

"You're crazy." She told him with a laugh. Joe stepped towards her once more, his hair curling at the ends, dripping with water. He gave her a lazy smile, pulling her closer to him as he cupped her face. Emmie couldn't help but stare at him. How was it that he still looked good, even after being underwater? Her eyes studied his features, wandering across his face as she took in every little detail.

Joe watched her, completely in awe of the girl in front of him. When she finally broke away from her trance, he stroked her cheek, making her smile. Her hands found their way to his hair, pushing the curls back to remove any excess water that was holding them down. He smirked, catching her attention once more, before leaning down and pressing a kiss to her lips.

She wrapped her arms around him, smiling into the kiss, feeling him pull her even closer. Their bodies met, and for a moment- Emmie didn't even care that she was beginning to grow cold from the water, and the wind blowing through her hair. All she could think about was Joe.

She pressed herself up against his chest, feeling his hands travel down her back to hold her. He deepened the kiss slightly, before slowly pulling away, a smile on his face.

"You're cold." He whispered, looking down at her body, noticing the way she was shaking.

"I'm fine." She told him, but he quickly shook his head.

"Em, you're shivering. C'mon, let's get outta here." He wrapped his arm around her, leading them out of the water.

Emmie felt the warmth of his body against hers as they wandered across the beach, collecting up their belongings along the way. Joe held out his hand, intwining their fingers, feeling the cooler breeze wrap around their damp clothes. He smiled to himself, a rush of happiness in his mind, reminiscing the moment they had just shared.

It was moments like this that he wished could last forever. It was moments like this that made him forget about all the worries in the back of his mind. It was her that made him feel the ways he did. It was her that brought him pure happiness. It was her that made him smile the way he did. It was her that made him believe that everything would be okay. No matter what happened, everything would be okay. As long as he had her.

He couldn't believe that one person could make him feel so many joyous emotions, all at once. But he was glad it was her.

Emilia Campbell was his favourite feeling.

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