☮warren rojas- art

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requested by tobylover420
fem reader, tw for drug use :)

I was sitting on my bedroom floor working on a new painting when I heard a knock on my door.

"What is it, dipshit?" I asked, knowing it was my older brother, Billy.

He opened the door. "Come on, everyone's gonna be here soon."

"I will when I'm done with this, I just have a couple more details. I won't be long."

"You better not be," Billy smiled.

I threw a dry paintbrush at him and he closed the door.

As I neared the garage, I could hear their playing become louder and louder in my ears. More than anything, I heard the drums, could even feel them in my feet. I opened the door and sat on the beer cooler in the corner of the room until they finished the song.

"Y/n!" Warren yelled, standing up and running over to me. We had known each other since eighth grade, so what was that, six years now?

I yelled his name back, standing up and hugging him. "You guys sound so good today!"

"Thanks," he smiled, proceeding to lean in and whisper to me. "A few of us are gonna hang out in the basement after practice if you wanna come with."

He sat back down at the drumset, looking at me knowingly as he began to play the next song in the set. I smiled, doing a quick raise of my eyebrows to indicate a yes. He winked before actually focusing in on practice.

The six-pack in my hand clanged as I walked down the steps to the basement. When I got there, I was met with Eddie, Graham, and Warren waiting for me.

Eddie lifted the lighter as he spoke. "She's here!"

I set the six pack down on the coffee table in front of the couch and sat on the floor next to Warren. He grabbed the lighter from Eddie, handing it to me along with the freshly rolled joint.

"Would you like to do the honors?" he bowed.

I giggled at him. "Why yes, Sir Rojas."

Once Billy and my parents were gone, we all set out to explore the house. At some point, Warren and I looked behind us and realized Eddie and Graham weren't there.

"Where'd they go?" I asked Warren.

"I'm not sure," he replied. "They'll probably be fine."

We smiled, continuing on our way. "I do wonder where they are though. We should probably find them before they break something."

We passed by my bedroom and Warren looked inside, seeing my newest painting sitting on the windowsill. He walked in the room, grabbing it and looking at it in the sunlight. "When did you do this one?" he asked.

"I started it a couple days ago but I just finished it this morning."

"I like it. It's so colorful and like, weird."

I giggled at him. "Thank you. I mean I think all my paintings are like that. Psychedelic." I smiled.

He sat on the bed and I attempted to grab the painting to put it back. He kept a firm grip on it.

"Warren." I raised my eyebrows at him.

"No, I like it, I wanna look at it." He pulled it back, accidentally pulling me with it.

I yelped as we crashed into the bed, me landing on top of him with the painting smushed between us. I pulled it out from between us, giggling and checking that it was dry enough that neither of us had ruined our clothes.

"Shit, sorry man," Warren laughed.

"It's okay, it's dry enough now it won't smudge."

We looked at eachother and laughed. I was still laying on top of him. After a moment, I set the painting down beside us and we sighed, calming ourselves down. We looked at eachother for a moment. I tilted my head, noticing a strange look in Warren's eyes.

He grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me in to kiss me. I kissed him back without question. We pulled away and looked at eachother, feeling a bit more sober. I leaned in and kissed him again. And again. I felt him open his mouth more and on the third kiss, he grazed his teeth against my bottom lip. I took a shaky breath, opening my lips more as his tongue met the roof of my mouth. We kept making out for a while. I wasn't sure how long.

"Oh, God!" I heard someone yell from my doorway.

I rolled off of Warren and looked over to see Billy standing there with a hand over his eyes.

"Billy!" I exclaimed. "When did uh, when did you get back?"

"Just now," he took his hand away after peering through a gap between his fingers. "What happened here?"

Warren and I looked at eachother.

"Have you seen her new painting?" Warren asked after a moment of awkward silence.

"Whatever," Billy responded, walking out of my room. "You hurt her and you're out of the band!" he yelled.

"Got it, thanks Billy!" Warren yelled back.

The two of us watched him walk away for a moment longer and then turned back to eachother, laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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