Chapter 1 : A Love Grown Cold

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Paul and Lisa had shared their lives for twenty years, but in recent years, their love had faded. The excitement of youth had given way to routine, and their marriage had become more of a silent partnership. Their joyous laughter had turned into deep sighs, and they had lost the connection that had once bound them.

Their son, Peter, was now a college student, living his own life miles away. Paul and Lisa found themselves alone in their big house, sharing space but not much else. Days were filled with obligations, responsibilities, and distractions to escape the discomfort in their relationship.

Lisa, once a vibrant and caring wife, had gradually transformed into the role of a devoted mother, but in the process, she had inadvertently neglected her role as a wife. Her focus had shifted entirely to Peter's needs, his education, and his well-being. She had become the quintessential nurturing mother but had forgotten how to be a passionate partner.

Conversations at home were dominated by discussions about Peter's studies, his career prospects, and his well-being. Lisa's attention was unwaveringly dedicated to her son, but it had drifted away from her husband. She rarely asked Paul about his day or his thoughts; instead, she inquired about Peter's latest achievements and challenges. Paul had grown used to being second in Lisa's life, and he silently carried the weight of his unspoken desires.

As the years passed, the gap between Paul and Lisa grew wider. They stopped holding hands, hugging, and sharing intimate moments. Their bedroom, once a place of love and passion, had become a place of solitude. Lisa's nurturing love for Peter had left little room for her to nurture her relationship with her husband.

Paul had tried to communicate his feelings to Lisa, but the response was often a reassurance that everything was fine. Lisa believed that as long as they provided for Peter and supported his aspirations, their family was intact. She had unknowingly neglected Paul's emotional needs, and the chasm between them deepened.

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