"Chaewon dropped her off?"

Nako shook her head, "she took public transport, Chaewon-unnie's at home with Yuri."

Minju nodded, giving the Japanese girl a smile, "say 'hi' to your parents for me yeah? I haven't seen them in a while."

"Got it! Bye unnie~"

Minju waved as Nako headed into the airport, a soft smile resting on her lips as she headed back into her car.

The drive was rather smooth, not a lot of traffic at this time of day, when suddenly a ringtone cut off the music from the radio.


"Minju-yah~ Did you already drop Nako off at the airport?"

"Yeah I'm coming home right now. Why?"

"Yuri found this mall-like place that opened up nearby, do you want to come with us? We're planning to eat lunch and look around first before heading over to some restaurant for dinner."

'mall-like place?'

"What about her girlfriend?"

Chaewon barked a laugh from the phone, "girlfriend? You mean Yena-unnie?"

"Yeah, are they still not dating?"

Her laughter died down into a snicker, "nope, not yet."

"She's with her family right now so it's just gonna be the three of us, but she might join us for dinner if that's okay with you."

"Yeah that's fine with me. Do you want me to come over right now?"

"If you'd like! We're planning to leave in a couple hours though."

Minju chuckled, "alright, I'll be there soon."

After the two college students had begun to talk again after that day in Chaewon's room a couple years back, Minju had begun to have a hard time distancing herself from the older girl again.

Not only did she promise to be there for Chaewon, and protect her so nothing like that would happen again.


In all honesty, Minju had missed Chaewon in the few months that they weren't on talking terms.

Of course, she never admitted it to anyone.

Even herself.

She knew she didn't want to be anything more than friends for now, and she also knew that Chaewon wanted the same thing.

But it was hard being "just friends" when someone you used to love, let alone your first love, was right next to you.

Minju wasn't ready yet.

She didn't know if it was worth it, the possibility of getting hurt, again, and by the same person at that.

And she could tell that Chaewon was scared as well, however hard she tried to be a better person.

Minju sighed as she parked her car, taking a few moments to think before heading out and locking her vehicle.

'I'll just let things flow the way they're going right now.'

Knock Knock...



Minju glanced down as someone opened the door, "hey Yuri."

The hamster smiled, letting the older girl in, "hello Minu-unnie~"


The frog glanced up, meeting eyes with Chaewon as she froze mid-going into the hallway, one hand holding her phone, the other holding a toothbrush that was in her mouth, her posture terrible while wearing an oversized t-shirt and basketball shorts.

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