With hooded hazel eyes and plump lips, the girl is gorgeous. Not the sweet and gentle kind of beautiful she was. But still very attractive.

"Just needed a breather," I tell her, keeping my armour intact.

I've given up on telling anybody what's going on inside me. People never understand, especially because most have never found a love like this—one that's strong and all-consuming.

It's always the same old talk of "time heals everything" and the most common "you'll get through it." It's all a fucking lie. After all of these years, I haven't gotten over it—especially not over her. There hasn't been anyone who caught my attention or made me forget her for more

than a few crazy hours of hot sex. She broke me for everyone else.

"It's a shame that such a handsome guy is out here, all alone..." The woman trails off with a tilt of her head and arms crossed over her chest, pushing those tempting breasts up and making them pop.

She's beautiful, and even though I know she doesn't stand a chance in the long run, maybe I could try and have some fun—get my mind off of her.

With a new goal set for tonight, I flash her one of my best dazzling smiles. I was never cocky about my looks, but over the years, I've noticed the effect I have on women. And with how misguided I have been, I admit I've often used it to my advantage.

There's no misleading here, though. I've been direct with every woman I've been with, making it clear about what I want, and there has never been a problem with it.

"Why don't you keep me company, then?" I beckon her to me.

Her breath hitches right before my eyes, and her teeth press against her lower lip as she considers my offer. I can't help but think of how sexy this expression looks on her, how big the urge is to release that lip and bite it myself.

The girl before me seems to have made up her mind as her long, toned legs finally move, slowly walking towards me with hips swaying rhythmically. I know, right here and now, I've got her.

Is it presumptuous of me? Yes. Am I ashamed of it? Maybe if this girl was her instead, I would. But right now, with this desperate need to get rid of this torment eating me alive, I don't care. If I have to use my looks for an escape once more...I will.

I lean against the wall, and she mirrors my position against the railing in front of me.

"Now, what brought you out here to the point of having you curse to yourself?"

Wow. I guess she was here for longer than I realised. Still, I don't let my mask waver.

"Nothing to be worried about."

I give her a small smile, and she nods, understanding my unwillingness to talk.

Good, because there's no way we're talking about this.

"I've never seen you around. Are you from here?" Her bold hand rises and starts teasing the top buttons of my white shirt.

She is interested.

I let her play with them and smirk back, which she takes as a sign to be even more forward, unbuttoning the top two and exposing a little bit of my chest. To be honest, it feels good to have her touch me and talk to me.

The perfect distraction.

"Not really," I answer honestly with a shrug of my shoulders. "I moved here for University five years ago."

Her eyes widen, and I use the moment to watch her intently. They are warm and inviting like melted caramel, and her skin is flawless. A light slap on my arm wakes me from my hazy session.

"What? No way," she exclaims playfully. "I am starting Uni here, too. Which one do you go to?"

Starting? No wonder she looks younger than me.

"Porto's Medicine Faculty," I answer.

"Oh!" Her whole face lights up, and my stomach coils with her reaction. "That's close to mine. I am taking translation and literature.

What year are you?"

I need this, and I should want this, so why do I feel guilty for giving this girl the time of day? It has been like this with everyone else. I haven't been able to feel the same—or more—ever since.

But if I don't push against this, against the shadow of her, I will never move on.

So, I answer her question, "Entering the last year of my master's degree. Currently finishing up my thesis while I start my residency."

Curiosity is visible in her eyes and body language as she takes a step closer and asks, "Well, which speciality are you choosing after the residency?"

"Cardiology, I think." I shrug my shoulder, still not exactly certain which way to go.

"So, you're what, twenty-four?"

"No, I finished high school a year early, so twenty-three." I try to contain the pride that threatens to drip off my voice. "You?"

"Nineteen, almost twenty." She smiles seductively, not showing any signs of being intimidated by me being a little older.

"Quite bold of you to strike up a conversation with a stranger in a dark and empty back exit," I tease, my hand lifting slowly to grab a strand that fell free from her updo and lock it behind her ear.

"I had my eyes on you from the moment you walked into the building. I saw an opportunity, and I took it."

"Yeah?" I breathe out, stepping even closer. "Seizing the moment, are we?"

She chuckles, and from up close, I can see the glistening skin of her chest rising with every breath. She looks slightly dishevelled but in a good way. Her hair has a few wild pieces sticking out. She must have been hot from dancing for a while. Without being able to control myself, my index finger shamelessly grazes along her collarbone towards her shoulder, where her dress strap has fallen to her arm. Carefully, I slide my finger under it and drag the fabric back up where it should be.

This captivating girl in front of me shivers but doesn't attempt to move away from my touch. Instead, she gifts me a seductive smile, and I suddenly feel like I've had enough small talk.

"You're smooth." She chuckles. "At least tell me your name."

"Liam," I whisper, moving closer to her as my hand sits on her neck.

Her skin prickles under my touch as goosebumps spread across her skin, and a light blush settles on her cheeks. She's not afraid to call me out on my shameless attitude. I know what I want, and I've never been afraid to show it. And yet, she responds immediately to every touch or word of mine.

Subtly, but I can see she wants this as much as I do.

Maybe for different reasons, but the goal is the same tonight.

"That's a good name."

"Right?" I grin while tilting her chin up. "And yours?"


"Hmm, Johanna," I muse, my lips grazing hers.

She shudders under my hold, and the moment my free arm wraps around her waist, her body moulds into mine, hands splaying across my chest as if she magically has lost the strength in her legs.

"I like hearing you say my name," she whispers back, her white teeth biting on those tempting lips again.

"How about we find out the different ways we can say each other's names?"

"Sounds good to me," she answers in a sensual tone.

It's all the confirmation I need. As soon as the words roll off her tongue, I crash my mouth against hers.

Here's to forgetting.

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