Red Guy: You're right, we're not part of Team Rocket, we're Team Flare!

Red Girl: We fight for a better and more beautiful world!

This surprises the trainer.

Trainer: That doesn't sound so bad.

But Lincoln raises his hand to silence the trainer.

Lincoln: And how do you plan to achieve this goal?

Team Flare Guy: In which we wipe out humanity and only the select members of Team Flare survive.

Lincoln's eyes darken as he looks at the two with anger.

Lincoln: We Rangers won't let that happen!

Team Flare Girl: And how are you going to stop us with your little Eevee? Mightyena go!

Team Flare Guy: Druddigon go!

Out of the woman's Pokeball comes a cannine-like Pokemon with mostly short gray hair and a black mane that runs down its back.

From the man's Pokeball comes a large blue draconic Pokemon with a red head.

Lincoln grins.

Lincoln: You shouldn't underestimate my Eevee. A dragon type and a dark type. Then we know what form we take, right Eevee?!

Eevee: Eevee!

He presses his bracelet and Eevee begins to glow. When the glow stops there is a Pokemon standing there with two bows on her body.

Sylveon: Sylveon.

Lincoln: Let's go Sylveon, let's get 'em ready!

Sylveon nods with a determined look.

Sylveon: Sylveon!

Lincoln: Let's start strong with Moonblast!

A bright ball forms in front of Sylveon's mouth, the ball somewhat resembling the moon, as Sylveon fires the ball towards Druddigon. The dragon Pokemon is too slow and therefore cannot avoid the attack when it is hit point blank by the fairy attack.

Druddigon falls to his knees and breathes heavily as the Team Flare guy looks at his Pokemon.

Team Flare Guy: Come on Duddigon, you're better than this!

Team Flare Girl: Mhh, I guess I'll have to take care of it then. Mightyena use Thunder Fang!

Mightyena's teeth begin to glow yellow and small lightning bolts jump out of them. It growls and runs towards Sylveon, but Nick doesn't let it get hit.

Nick: Swampert! Hydro Pump!

Swampert emerges from the bushes and shoots a highly concentrated stream of water into MIghtyena's side, knocking it into a tree.

Nick: Like I'm letting you attack my friends.

Team Flare Guy: Come on Druddigon! Get up and use Dragon Claw!

Druddigon slowly stands up and its claws begin to glow and grow slightly longer as it runs towards Swampert.

Lincoln: Forget it! Sylveon, Play Rough!

Sylveon rushes towards Druddigon and jumps into the air as Sylveon's ribbons extend and wrap around Druddigon. With a jerk, the small Pokemon sends the large dragon Pokemon onto the ground. She lands on the Druddigon and starts pummeling it with her ribbons.

It doesn't take long until Druddigon lies there unconscious and Sylveon innocently walks towards Lincoln. The two Team Flare members take a few steps back as the two rangers walk towards them.

Nick points a finger at the two and suddenly looks a lot like a Jojo character.

Nick: Where do you two want to go?

Lincoln crosses his arms as Sylveon rubs her head against his leg.

Lincoln: We still have a few questions for you.

The two Team Flare members call their Pokemon back into their Pokeballs as the two of them look back and forth between the two rangers the whole time. The guy takes something out of his jacket pocket and throws it on the ground.

Nick and Lincoln's eyes widen as they quickly cover their eyes. Which was the right decision, the device the Team Flare guy threw on the ground was a flashbang that blinded everyone nearby, but just as the ringing in the two Rangers' ears stopped, the two were Team Flare Members already disappeared.

Nick snaps his fingers in annoyance.

Nick: Damn they're gone.

But where they stood there are now a few Pokeballs.

Lincoln: At least they dropped the Pokeballs. Hey trainer, are these yours?

The trainer runs towards the Pokeballs and looks at them.

Trainer: Yes. Thank you both, I was scared.

Nick scratches the back of his head in annoyance.

Nick: That's our job, don't worry about it. It annoys me that they both escaped.

Lincoln: Come with us, we'll take you with us first, we still have a few questions for you. Besides, it would probably be good if you stayed in the city for now. Come with me.

With that, the group goes to the jeep, gets in and drives off.

To be continued.

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