057 the dream synopsis

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inhaler? i hardly know her, 11 people

lennon marlowe . . . john lennon
thea beckett . . . ho(thea)d 🧯
harper adler . . . harp 🎶
margot wilson . . . magpie
vincent hudson . . . 50 cent
harvey wallace . . . harry houdini 🪄
anya murphy . . . murphmallow
elijah hewson . . . hewie
robert keating . . . bobert 🤖
josh jenkinson . . . fluffernutter
ryan mcmahon . . . rocket man 🚀

ho(thea)d 🧯
remember how i watched saw
and threw up?

ryan hates the saw movies too

rocket man 🚀
they're so gross and scary, why would
anyone voluntarily put themselves through
more than one hour of violence??

john lennon
ryan, i wholeheartedly agree but thea
actually loves the violence aspect of it,
it's the survivors that make her sick

ho(thea)d 🧯
i want every single character
to die!! literally wants the point of
a murder movie if everyone isn't

and the fact it's so unrealistic for
a male killer to get away with it
men aren't smart enough for murder

and an old ass man too, how's grandpa
gonna hurt me? i'll just play him a charli
xcx song and he'll collapse

you've thought a lot about this

50 cent
oh, she's literally got a folder full of
reviews on every horror movie killer
and 1. what they did wrong 2. how she'd
do it differently and 3. how she'd defeat

and a folder on all her fave final girls

ho(thea)d 🧯
sidney prescott reigns supreme 😌😌
it's why horror is the best genre, they
know that a woman would survive until
then end

final boys?? never heard of them and
for good reason

thea starter pack: women & violence 

bobert 🤖
folders? multiple?

ho(thea)d 🧯
don't make me sound crazy ... make
harper sound crazy too, she helped

harp 🎶
well women always have a good
motive, men are just like wahhh wahhh
'women don't like me'

women are like: slay, power, revenge

you do realise you just said
murder is slay ...

ho(thea)d 🧯
thank you elijah

you're welcome 😌

harp 🎶
yes, thank you for being proof
that all men do is 'wahhh wahhh'

ho(thea)d 🧯
like a baby

harry houdini 🪄
everyday i'm so glad harp is my
future wife and doesn't hate me

Reckless Serenade,     Elijah Hewson Where stories live. Discover now