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Falllon had her hands stuffed in her pockets, a hoodie concealing her face from wandering eyes while her cap was pulled down to protect her face from cameras. She stood in the driveway of a pretty American suburban home, glancing at the window where a young girl was drawing on the floor and a boy, a few years older than her was scribbling along next to her.

Fallon felt her lips curl into a gentle smile as she saw the bright grin appear on her face as she reached over, scribbling over his drawing as the young boy's mouth dropped in a shout. She saw a woman,  slightly grey streaks against her copperish hair as she squatted down next to the girl.

Her sweet Aura.

"Cute kid" a voice chimed from beside her. Fallon didn't flinch. 

" My sister" Fallon said fondly as she glanced at the soldier. 'Aura"

"That's a beautiful name" Bucky said as he followed her gaze.

"She looks happy with them" a wistful pang tugged at her heart strings. She knew she and Jihoon were currently fugitives. She also knew Bucky and Sam would be in serious trouble if they found out they were harbouring 'terrorists'. She had gone into hiding and to be honest, it wasn't so bad. Fallon had offered up their safe house which they'd converted into a proper functional apartment and set up an invite for Bucky to move out of his single unit apartment and in with them. He had accepted and after actually making amends with his past, decided to pursue his future with the most unlikely of allies.

" You don't want to go in" he asked as she shook her head.

"She probably thinks I'm a monster. I can't do that to her." She said as she sighed watching as a man came down the stairs, a grin on his slightly worn face as he grabbed Aura, placing her on his lap and eliciting giggles to escape her.

" She deserves a happy family. " Fallon mumbled. " Even if I'm not part of that"

" I'm sure she misses you. She must know what her sister did for her."

" I'll always be by her side, see her big moments. Even if it's in the shadows" she smiled sadly. " Hopefully one day I'll have the courage to approach her, make amends" she shot him a small smile as they stood shoulder to shoulder.

" I'll help you" he said as she chuckled meekly, her eyes trailing back to the window.

"Now, how about I show you the best Japanese food you'll ever eat in your life." He said as she raised a brow.

"Is that a date Mr Barnes?"

He hummed, a thoughtful smirk on his face. " I'd call it a casual get together."

"A friendly exchange over some sushi? " she fed into his charms as he nodded.

" I wouldn't even say friendly" he teased as she laughed, pushing his shoulder as she glanced at the house before meeting his reassuring eyes.

" You truly are something Barnes.'''

"As are you Belcourt."

She grinned as he ranted about the food, his eyes rolling as she teased him on his once off crush with the owner's daughter.

Aura had glanced up from her foster father's lap where a weird feeling spread in her chest. She looked at the window, her brows furrowing when she saw no one there.

"What is it sweetheart?" he said but Aura just shook her head.

"I thought I saw someone" she said softly, grinning up at the older man. " Probably nothing" she reassured but glanced at the lawn where something caught her attention.

She clamoured off his lap and rushed to the door, flinging it open she made a beeline to the grass, ignoring her foster parents' cries.

"What is that?' her foster brother asked as she picked up a piece of paper. It was folded neatly and with delicate fingers she unravelled it. Her head immediately shot up as she looked up and down the road desperate, crinkles forming around the edges from how tight she held the parchment.

A single drawing of the Avengers with her sister drawn next to the Winter Soldier stared back at her. 


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I can't believe this took me like 2 almost 3 years to finish. I was so lazy so if you had waited from the start until now. I thank you so much for sticking with me.

I adore Fallon and I honestly believe this is one of my favourite books to have written. I enjoyed writing Niko, Samson, Aura and Jihoon's characters so much and Fallon's story is literally my love.

I'm so happy to have it shared and I hope you enjoyed reading it as well.

Love you all too bits and Please check out my other works.


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