"Oooo, the insults are getting worse. Is the new Cobra Kai getting to you?"

"More like your big head is wasting oxygen!"

Slowly, confused Demetri followed behind the strange duo with the arm of his girlfriend laced through his. There was something between the way Eli look down at the old bully and the way Jesse pushed him with a laugh that had his chest tightening. When did his two best friends become so... close?

And when did he start to feel so distant?

As if he were light years away on a separate starship, in a different fleet, where their mission seemed to barely align any more. When did Wednesdays become so... unfamiliar?

"Hey hun, everything okay?"

Demetri gave himself a little shake before looking down at his girlfriend. The girl he had been pining over for years looking up at him with concern and something about the image caught in his throat. "Ah, yes, my sugar sweet. Just got caught in a day dream."

Yasmine's perfectly waxed eyebrow rose and Demetri felt like sweating at her gaze. A single manicured hand rose up to his face and cupped his cheek firmly, but not aggressively. Carefully the blonde rose up to kiss him on the lips where a small smile formed on both of their faces.

"Are you awake yet, Sleeping Beauty?" Her voice was dry but playful and Demetri couldn't help the dreamy grin that spread nearly deliriously across his face.

"Buuut, then I realized my dream is right in front of me."

He tried to ignore the two before him as Eli and Jesse in mid argument gagged on sync before making eye contact and nearly dying from laughter.


Punch. Punch.

Kick. Kick.



Jesse groaned quietly to herself and took a break from her set to grab a sip of water from her studded water bottle. It was pink and shiny and she would be damned if anyone else said one more word about the bottle being not cobra Kai or whatever. Oh no, Jesse is a girl!

How tragic!

A tool of her eyes and was staring out at the new dojo without a sweat. And not because she was far ahead of everyone else before her who were huffing and sweating with all of the sensei trying to land a gig at their studio... no it was because she literally couldn't care less anymore.

With her father gone - having already invested in the studio - and Tory was the winner for Cobra Kai there was no reason for Jesse to be the spotlight anymore. ....So that translated to half assing everything and getting away with the least possible. She had enough of a reputation that no one questioned her but a low enough one that all eyes were on her.

Plus, she got to keep her hearing.

"Miss Park, yes?"

Jesse's eyebrow raised at the sudden attention grabber to her left and turned to the new sensei trying for a spot at the disaster of a studio. She had to hold down the snort as she finished her drink and bowed politely to the man.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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