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Kyler hugged his sister tightly just outside of the front porch, burying her head into his chest and taking a deep breath in. He waited in his car until she arrived before meeting her on the side walk, not wanting either of them to venture into the dragon's den alone.

"Why is he still here?" Jesse mumbled out and only Kyler could understand the garbled mess as he hugged her tighter and sighed into her hair. "He never stays this long."

"I don't know, bug." Kyler said quietly. "But good thing we have a guest, so he'll be less..." his words trailed of without the punctuation, fearing that if he were to say anything it would make it even more real.

Jesse nodded and took a deep breathe in and held it until it burned as harsh as reality scorched her and then held it some more, before letting it out and taking a step back. Schooling her facial features, Jesse looked up at her twin wearing a matching facade before making the first move - Kyler would always wait for her - and went into the home.

"Dad, we're home." She announced loudly, unconsciously looking over to Kyler who signed a quick good job as they took off their shoes and walked into the home and both teens paused at the figure chatting happily with their father.

"Mr. Silvers?"


Both teens whipped to face each other with matching expressions of surprise, narrowing their eyes at each other in question, but agreed with a subtle nod to talk later.

Terry Silvers had a smile of a shark and a tongue of a snake, and Jesse always found that his last name fit him well. A silver tongue that was better than hers had her jealous and on edge at the same time since she had first realized the duality of the man. Jesse watched with furrowed brows as the man set down his wine glass and looked at the twins with a genuine smile, walking over to greet them warmly.

"Miss Park, it's been a while!" The old man exclaimed happily, bowing in greeting that had the twins cringing inwardly but bowed back all the same. "And Mr. Park, you're looking more and more like your old man everyday!"

Kyler would take that statement and stare at himself in the mirror for hours later that night, contemplating if he should get a nose job or shave his cheek bones off first.

"W-what are you doing here, Mr. Silvers?" Jesse asked slowly, moving behind the man in sync with Kyler to sit side by side on the third couch across from the one their father occupied.

"Oh, just some boring business adventures that I've been discussing with your old man." Terry chuckled lightly as he took a sip of his wine. "Mm! Right, Kyler!"

"Yes sensei?"

"I just wanted to make sure you and your family knew how lucky we are to have you at Cobra Kai." Jesse felt a chill go down her spine at the flint in the man's eyes, unconsciously she scooted closer to her twin who seemed to beam proudly at the praise. "Seriously, Kyung. You should be proud of your son!"

"Oh don't worry, Terry." His chuckled was worse than his silence, Jesse mused. "I am proud of him. Even if he does have a bit of a... mouth on him at times."

"Oh, Kyung. He's just a teen." The elder admonished with a shake of his head. "Like you were much better at that age."

"I knew better than to question my father."

Terry Silvers let out a loud laugh as if there was a joke to find in the finality of the statement, and both twins weakly chuckled along with the men. Jesse's arm tingled and Kyler unconsciously scratched his cheek where a sparring accident conveniently resided.

"W-we'll get dinner ready and set the table." Jesse winced at the nearly imperceptible way her father gripped his glass tighter at the stutter in her voice, but stood up in scary synchronization with her twin. "Please excuse u-us."

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