Chapter 1

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Upon returning back home to their own world, both Emo Marinette and Emo Adrian had both decided to try and make a few more new friends.

Sure, they had Marinette/Ladybug and Cat Noir, along with Betterfly, but that was about it.

While Marinette attempted a friendship with Alya, Adrian took his alternate selves advice and asked Nino to go to the movies with him.

It was a lot slower to gain a friendship then the two reformed villains had first thought.

But there was one more thing: both Marinette and Adrian had found a partner (And no, not each other).

Speaking of Adrian, Marinette growled as she watched Adrigami making out in the far corner of the Dupain-Cheng bakery.

"Ugh! Hey, mind doing that lovey-dovey stuff somewhere else Kitty Katty!"

But Adrian and Kagami just ignored her entirely and kept doing what they were doing.

"Whatever." She muttered ageist under her breath while turning back to the bred she was kneeling.

Poof! Marinette sighs, as she knead the bread dough a little to hard and a puff of flour clouds her face. Oh, where is a wet cloth? She hears a giggle and looks up, a little gasp catching in her great, they were laughing at her now.

She had just opened her mouth to speak when a flash of black and purple caught her eye. "Oh no, not today." She whipped a hand over her face and narrow her eyes at the Kamiko as it huvvers in mid-air.

"No thanks, I'm already embraced enough as it is. So maybe next time! Bye bye Betterfly." She waves a dismissive hand twist the little Kamiko as it turns around and flys back to where it had come from.

"Hey Nettie, need a hand?" Marinette turns to see Juleka, her girlfriend, smiling softly and giving her an amused look.

"Oh, hey Jules!" Marinette greeted the purple-haired girl with a bright smile.

"You never answered my question, Nettie." Juleka reminds her girlfriend with a teasing smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

Marinette only nods her head in answer to her request.

"So Cockroach, you and your pretty little lady friend over there gonna kiss already?"

Marinette spun around to glare daggers at a now smirking Adrian and a wide-eyed but laughing Kagami.

"Shut up." She growls like a cat, her eyes narrowed slightly at her partner.

"Ooh! Looks like little Miss. Ladybug is in looove!" Adrian says in a sing-song voice with a teasing grin plastered on his face. "Awe, how sweet!"

Juleka just crossed her arms over her chest and gives Adrian a disapproving look as if to say "Stupid Kitty! Hey a hint!"

Seeing the look, Marinette burst out laughing, not even noticing that the bred in the oven was cooked until she and the others found themselves covered from head-to-toe in flower and bred.

Oh boy, that would be quite the mess for Marinette to clean up later that evening.

I Just Want to Bake Some BreadWhere stories live. Discover now