Late Again

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>im not gonna give warnings of swears and shit cuz they'll be in every chapter or so, so ya< [also anything In itallex is the thoughts for every chapter]


After a while Clay finally got up, leaving a him shaped print on the dock along with wet foot prints trailing away from the dock to the woods

Clay had noticed his slightly outgrow wolf cut had gotten all fluffy making it look pretty good in his opinion

He played with his hair walking back to the school

On his way he spotted a cat so he crouched down calling it over

The cat ran over and rubbed against his legs in front of him as he pet the small feline

He looked to see if there was any tags, there was but the address and name were scratched out

"Weird, I guess you're staying with me for now" he said picked up the cat having them look at him

"Moew~" the cat purred

He patted their head placing them down, and playing with them some more

He disided to keep walking but he didn't want to leave the cat all alone

"Come here" He picked up the cat placing them over their shoulder holding the cat in place so they wouldn't slip away

He began walking to a good friend's house that wasn't too far from the school

<time skip [5-10 min]>

"Hey! Karl, you there?" He said banging on the door not to hard but so it could be heard

Karl couldn't make it to school cuz he had a doctor's appointment and his mother let him stay home afterwards as she went to work

After a minute or two the door swong open "the fuck do you want Clay?" A tired Karl said wrapped in a blanket

He probaly got up from a nap

"Hey, could you watch this little guy while I'm at school I'll grab him after, if that's alright?" Clay pulled off the cat from his shoulder holding him out to Karl

"Ya sure, does he have a name?" Karl grabbed the cat from Clay's hands

"I don't quite know yet, I'll think of one though, thanks Karl! Gotta get to class" He ran off waving at karl, while Karl flipped him off

<time skip [abt 4-7 min]>

Clay ran up to the school slowing down once he was inside to make sure Jason wasn't there

He sped walked to his class, it was now halfway through the next class, period 4


He got to the library busting the doors open unintentionally

"Coleman, your late, again, AND disrupting the libary! Go sit down and read or something" the librarian spoke to Clay, shewing him away

Jez, fucking cunt

Clay rolled his eyes and sat himself on the floor in an aisle where he usually was and grabbed a book off the shelf

As he read he shook his leh to help him focus and to distract himself from the inching feeling in his arm

He reached to grab the thing he had just used less then an hour ago and........

It wasn't there

Clay's eyes widened and he began furiously patting his pockets full on panicking

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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