Running Lake

34 1 0

[TW] ⚠️ smoking/vaping

This font is the character's thoughts [italics]

A/N: this is edited and is much better now I hope


George sat in class not able to focus on the lesson, so he did what he always did went he couldn't pay attention.

"My I use the bathroom sir?" He said raising his hand.

"Sure, don't take too long alright?" The teacher said turning away from the board.

"alright" He stood and walked out the room.

He wondered the halls to the bathroom where he saw a tall, blonde hair boy entering the bathroom pulling something out his pocket.

He continued walking till he reach the bathroom.

The tall boy was leaning against the sink using one and for support and the other to hold a, V-VAPE!?!?

It made George cringe at the sight but not enough to notice.

He rolled his eyes and walked over to the sink and started fixing his hair.

The boy looked down at him curious as to what he was doing.

George felt his eyes on him but ignored it till he spoke up.

"Nice eyes, where'd you get them?" He jokes.

I roll my eyes "Ikea" I grumbled and continue to fix my hair.

The boy fixated on George's movements, not a thought in mind.

He looked George up and down and chuckled.

"You're funny, what's your name?" He asked.

George finally looks up at him "George"

He looked George up and down again.

"Pretty name, it fits" He spoke as he put his vape in his pocket.

I roll my eyes "need anything?" I ask, a little annoyed.

He shakes his head "just find you pretty" He gives a cocktail smirk.

George bit the inside of his cheek.

"Ok... but... uh... I'm, I'm not gay." George says nervously.

I'm not gay.

I can't be.

It's not right.

He's attractive but I would never find him attractive.

Clay had a confused look on and looked to the side then back at George  "really? You don't seem straight" He states.



"What's the supposed to mean?!" George states a little annoyed.

"You just don't look it..." He says.

"How can someone look gay?!" George demands.

The boy looks him up and down.

"Are you Cristian or something?" He asks.

"Yeah... what does that have to with this?" George furrows his brows.

He rolls his eyes"Whatever, not important," he sighs and grabs his bag off the floor and swings it over his shoulder as he walks away.

School Bathroom VapesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon