Inspection from Afar

Start from the beginning

Gojo: I'd win.



I have doubt about that statement...

knockity knock knock

Megumi: It's Fushiguro.


Me: ...What is it?

Megumi: I thought I heard someone, so I came to see if you're alright.

Me: No worries, I'm fine. I just found out that I can use... Clairvoyance...?

Megumi: Really?

Me: Yeah.

Megumi: How?

Me: Oh... uhh...


Megumi's Room.

Me: Like this.

Megumi: Huh... you can see anything through this?

Me: Yeah. It just sorta happened.

Megumi: So you've been teaching yourself how to do techniques?

Me: Pretty much.

Megumi: So... what's going on right now?

Me: Itadori's fighting against... a doll.

Megumi: ...Principal Yaga's doll, I'm assuming?

Me: Yeah... now it seems Itadori's passed the... "entrance exam..."

Megumi: Wow...

Me: Aaaaand... now they're in the dorms... next to us. They're chatting about something...

Megumi: Wait... what are they talking about?

Me: Hm?

We took a look.

Me: Probably something about Sukuna...

Gojo: But you don't have to fight, you know? Fushiguro, L/N, and I can take care of the fingers.

You can just wait here!

Yuji: No. I promised I would, so I'm going to do it!

Megumi: What the HELL is that poster?

Me: Regular teenage stuff.

Megumi: Hahh?

Me: You wouldn't understand. ㄟ( ▔- ▔ )ㄏ

Megumi: ...

Yuji: But the thought of lazing around while waiting for them to come back with a finger while

beaten up, would be funny to see.

Gojo: True.

Me and Megumi: 'Do you wanna die?'

Gojo: WELP, there's no way in hell you're not gonna fight.

Yuji: HUH?! You were just testing me?

Gojo: If it was that easy, we would have found them by now. Some have VERY strong auras, some are very quiet, and some are possessed by cursed spirits. So, it's a pain in the ass to find them. But we have you now. The Sukuna in you will tell us where the fingers are. Not only are you a vessel, but also a detector, and makes you a radar. So, it's not going to work if you're not in the field with us.

Yuji: Do you think he's a nice guy?

I stopped the viewing.

Me:*sigh* Probably not.

Megumi: At least we're not suffering alone...

We decide to leave the room.

Gojo: I think it's easy to be in a win-win relationship with him. Oh, you're next door.

Yuji: Oh! Fushiguro! And L/N! You two seem to be doing fine!

Gojo: Did you take care of him, Y/N?

Me: He's fine, don't worry.

Megumi: Ughh, why have him here? There are plenty of open rooms...

Gojo: Isn't livelier the better? Besides, I think it's good fo-

Megumi: Classes and missions are enough of a hassle. This is an unwelcomed favor...

Yuji: peeks in Megumi's room Woaahhh, your room's all nice and tidy!

Megumi: Like I said, you're a pain in the ass!


Yuji: OWIE...!

Gojo: WELL, this is all fine and dandy! More importantly, we're going out tomorrow! We'll be picking up our new first-year!

     ----------CHAPTER END----------