Chapter 1

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"Come on, buy something good! I'm paying." Johnny tries to compel Kenshi, who still seems as if he wants Johnny to spend no more money on him. "No Johnny, I'm not that hungry." Kenshi lies. "Ugh, fine." Johnny replies. "But I'm buying you something good next time." Johnny crosses his arms in a winey yet jokey way. "What about you guys?" He turns his head over to the other side of the table. Syzoth, Kung Lao and Raiden sit there. They all tell Johnny their orders, Syzoth only asking for a drink as he couldn't even stomach human food.

Madame Bo comes back to their table, perfectly balancing 4-5 plates in her arms. "Just for you, Syzoth." She says with a smile. Madame Bo places down a plate with some roasted crickets on it. "Thank you Madame Bo, these are delicacies!" Syzoth smiles with excitement, very grateful for Madame Bo.

"All you got was a salad?" Kenshi asks johnny with a smile on his face. "I thought you were blind!" Johnny jokes. Kenshi blatantly points to Sento on his back with a smirk. Even though Kenshi knew Johnny knew about Sento, he liked reminding him. "I'm not too hungry, I just fought a princess!" He smugly says. "Speaking of the Princess Johnny, did she bite you?" Raiden asks, thinking he had seen it in their fight. "No, she tried though. Didn't break my skin." Johnny pulls his right sleeve up, tracing his forearm with his finger. There was no injury shown. "See nothing." He says, putting his arm back down.

The rest of their dinner had gone well, jokes being shared with roaring laughs coming from whoever heard them at the table. It was a nice night for all four of them.

Johnny wakes up the next day not in his bed, but on the floor beside his couch. He groans, touching his fingers to his temples. His head hurt badly, throbbing with a terrible headache. Johnny leans on his couch beside him. He grabs onto the arm rest and pulls himself up to his feet. As Johnny stands up, an immediate urge to puke goes to his stomach. "Oh shit." He thinks to himself, grabbing his stomach. Johnny runs to his downstairs bathroom, not noticing the state that his house was in.

The house looked like it had been broken into and ravaged. His floor was cluttered with cans and bottles, some of them spilling liquid onto his floor. The indoor pool had garbage in it and one of the inflatables had popped. His couch he had just been leaning on had weird stains on it that hadn't been there last morning. His Roomba was spinning in circles, not knowing where to go.

The bathroom was in the exact same state, cans overflowing from the garbage as if someone didn't know it was a garbage for a bathroom, as if it was just in the kitchen. The sink was slightly on, dripping. His soap pump was on its side, pooling onto the bathroom counter.

Johnny puts his head over the toilet bowl, puking. "Fuck." He coughs, wiping his lips with his sleeve. Johnny looks down onto his shirt, it had been split on with many different coloured liquids. "Come on." He sighs, picking up the middle of the shirt by the button.

Johnny leaves the bathroom, seeing the state of his house. "What the hell happened last night?" He asks himself, scanning his eyes through the house. Johnny walks over to his laundry room. The house was so big he could have it on the first floor in its own room.

Johnny liked doing his own cleaning. It was something he found peace in. Cleaning was one of the only things he could control when he was a kid, and his mother enjoyed the help. Johnny's father never really did anything when he was around. Johnny had only hired a cleaner once, and Johnny had thought they had cleaned everything wrong, and had to do it when they left as it annoyed him so much.

Johnny unbuttons his shirt in the laundry room, putting it into the wash. Since the washer had some of his other clothes in it, he puts some soap in the washer then turns it on. He takes a clean load out of the dryer so that it's ready for him to switch when the washer finishes.

As he takes the load to the couch he realises how dirty his couch was, making him scoff. Johnny puts the basket down onto a somewhat clean part of his floor. He goes into the kitchen and opens the sleek white cabinet that had some sort of spill on it. Johnny takes out stain remover and a cloth. He starts cleaning the couch, scrubbing hard.

Once the couch is cleaned enough, he puts the basket onto it, starting to fold the laundry just as he hears the washer beep, telling him it was done. Johnny finishes folding the shirt he had in his hands and puts it down in a neat pile with a couple other button ups. He switches the load into the dryer and goes back into the living room. As Johnny walks back he sees his left forearm. "What's that from?" He asks himself out loud, looking down onto a somewhat scar made of 2 dots.

Once Johnny finishes folding the laundry, he picks a garbage bag up, cleaning all the cans and bottles off of the floor, helping the Roomba out.

After about an hour of cleaning the floor, Johnny picks the Roomba up and puts it in the middle of the room. Finally it now knew where it was going, cleaning the floor with precision.

Johnny looks into his pool, it was just as much of a mess as the rest of the house. He goes back into the laundry room, taking his pool net out. He fishes all of the garbage from the pool, including the pool floatie. Johnny throws it all into the bag he had put the rest of the garbage in.

"I hope nobody went up stairs." He thinks to himself, still wondering what had happened the other night. He assumed it was just a party. 

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