chapter 17

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Lily: we can only hope i don't go through that again. (feels contraction) ah oh no here we go again.
Rangiku: don't tell me? Lily nodded and Toshiro ran over to Lily's side as he helped her up then picked her up bridal style as she held onto him.
Toshiro: Rangiku bring Ame with you we need to hurry now.
Rangiku: yes sir Ame get on my back and hold on tight. Ame nodded and held onto Rangiku as she ran behind Toshiro as they all ran to the Squad 4 Barracks.

*at Squad 4 Barracks*

Isane: oh no Lily did she go into labor?
Toshiro: yes she did please help Isane.
Isane: follow me and we can get her ready. Toshiro walked into a room and gently laid Lily on the bed as she held Toshiro's hand feeling a bit scared.
Lily: i'm scared.
Toshiro: it'll be alright i promise.
Lily: Ngh your right (feels contraction) oh god this hurts, the contractions hit every five minutes.
Isane: alright i have some help now we need to get you prepped Lily don't worry everything is going to be alright i promise.
Lily: alright thank you Isane. Lily got up and was helped into a hospital kimono then she laid down then was covered with a blanket, then had an iv drip on her arm while holding Toshiro's hand.
Isane: alright we're ready now Lily get ready to push. a contraction hit and Lily pushed and it had hurt for her Toshiro gave Lily's hand a reassurring squeeze Lily was in a lot of pain while giving birth.

*after a couple hours*

a couple of hours had passed and Lily had successfully given birth to the baby.
Toshiro: Lily how do you feel?
Lily: tired but all worth it for the baby. Isane came over with the baby in her arms and she smiled Lily.
Isane: congratulations Lily you had given birth to a healthy baby girl and she looks like you. Isane gave Lily her baby and she held her close.
Toshiro: she's beautiful Lily.
Lily: she does look like me hello my little snow angel she has your hair Toshiro.
Toshiro: she does (smiles) i think Ame should meet his new sister now. Rangiku knocked on the door and Toshiro let her in with Ame he saw the baby and walked over to see the baby.
Ame: is this my sibling?
Lily: yes Ame meet your baby sister Yuki.
Rangiku: she's so adorable. Yuki was sleeping in her Mothers arms then felt so tired Toshiro gently took Yuki and held her close.
Toshiro: get some sleep Lily you must be exhausted. Lily nodded and went to sleep as Toshiro was taking care of Yuki Toshiro was looking at Yuki then Ame got to hold his baby sister.
Rangiku: she's so adorable you happy to have your younger sister Ame?
Ame: yeah i am and i promise to be the best big brother ever.
Toshiro: i'm sure you will Ame but for now let's leave your Mother needs her rest and don't worry about Yuki right now, both her and your mother are in good hands.
Ame: okay. they all left and Yuki was sleeping in a little bed next to Lily.

*four weeks later*

Lily was taking care of Yuki with the help of Ame and Momo Lily was feeding Yuki then patted her back, as she burped and Lily went to put her down for a nap.
Momo: Yuki down for her nap?
Lily: yup also Ame you know i have to leave for the world of the living to find a hollow right?
Ame: yeah i know.
Lily: i will be back soon and we can work on a little surprise for your Father you know his birthday is coming up, but the sooner i find the hollow the sooner i get back. Lily left to the land of the living so she could find the hollow and kill it once the job, was done Lily went back home and helped Ame with the surprise for Toshiro.
Lily: alright i think this is perfect but i know this might surprise your Father we can only hope he'll, like it and i have fresh watermelon in the fridge just for him. (kisses Ame's head) but i know your Father well enough since we first met when i was still living in the world of the living you can say he won my heart. both Lily and Ame heard the door open and they knew it was Toshiro.
Lily: welcome home my love.
Toshiro: i see you two were busy.
Ame: we made you something. Lily held out the plate and saw it was a cake just for him.
Toshiro: you two did this for me?
Lily: with Momo's help so happy early birthday Toshiro.

Toshiro: you didn't have to do this for me.
Lily: i know but Ame did though he really looks up to you. your his hero the same with Ichigo he really looks up to you guys and it makes my heart soar when your both teaching him how to be strong. Toshiro smiled at his son and kneeled down as Ame looked at him.
Toshiro: you'll be strong one day yourself Ame just like me and your Uncle but for now keep training i want you to enjoy your childhood mine wasn't the best but, your my son and i want you to make some friends they might become apart of your squad. can you do that for me Ame?
Ame: i promise to make you proud Daddy.
Toshiro: that's my boy. they all sat down at the table and enjoyed some dinner then ate the cake Momo left and waved good bye to everyone as she headed home, then Ame yawned he was feeling tired.
Toshiro: i think it's time you headed to bed Ame it's almost past your bed time.
Ame: okay (yawns) night Mommy and Daddy.
Lily: night honey i will be in later to tuck you in.
Ame: no thanks. Ame went to his room and went to sleep.
Lily: he's becoming a bit like you but just as handsome though.
Toshiro: (chuckles) at least i have you and i'm glad i met you Lily my beautiful wife. Lily smiled as she put her hands on Toshiro's shoulders and kissed him as he kissed her back they both pulled apart and heard Yuki crying Lily went to go take care of the baby as she came back after taking care of Yuki.

*mini time skip*

Lily was doing some paper work with Toshiro as Rangiku walked in with a stack in her arms.
Rangiku: it seems something has been going on Captain.
Toshiro: how so?
Rangiku: don't know but i can't put my finger on it.
Lily: i'm sure it's alright Rangiku probably just a hollow or a rogue soldier you know how things tend to be. then right before Lily could say anything else Momo came running in which surprised everyone.
Lily: Momo what's wrong?
Momo: Ame and Yuki i can't find them someone came and took them i tried to fight them but i was knocked out cold, i can't find them any where i'm sorry.
Rangiku: what who would take the kids?
Momo: i don't know.
Toshiro: Ranigku get Renji and the others we're going to need their help.
Rangiku: yes sir. Rangiku went to get help while Toshiro, Lily and Momo went to search for the kids.

*near the house*

Lily: Ame Yuki? Ame where are you? Lily search everywhere but couldn't find her children.
Momo: i haven't found anything.
Lily: it's not your fault Momo but who would take my babies?
Toshiro: Lily we'll find them i promise their our children we'll find them.
Izuru: Captain Hitsugaya we found something.
Toshiro: what did you find?
Shuhei: it seems to be a torn piece of a cloak sir. Toshiro took it and saw what it was he recognized it.
Toshiro: it can't be.
Lily: can't be what Toshiro?
Toshiro: he's dead but if it's possible Lily come with me all of you be ready we will contact you if we need back up.
Izuru: yes sir. both Toshiro and Lily ran towards the graveyard and walked towards Kusaka's grave.
Toshiro: the cloak i left here is gone and there's a hole in the ground. Lily kneeled down towards it and used her magic to see if something was done to the grave.
Lily: it seems as if someone has used magic to revive Kusaka and it wasn't me i don't know how to do this, my magic isn't strong enough for this kind of thing.
Toshiro: but the question is who revived Kusaka?

Lily: i guess we'll never know unless there's another witch living here in the soul society. i think maybe.
Toshiro: ler's find Ame and Yuki their only children. they both went to find their kids and felt a spiritual pressure.
Lily: do you feel that?
Toshiro: yeah i do it's Kusaka's he could be fighting let's go. they both ran and saw Kusaka fighting someone they both pulled out their swords and went to fight.
Lily: move! frost of the wolves Sunourufu!
Kusaka: who are you?
Lily: worry about the fight first introductions later. they all fought against the rogue soldier and saw it was an Arrancar.
Toshiro: it was an arrancar.
Lily: i hate those damn things. but where are the kids?
Kusaka: their safe i hid them so the arrancar wouldn't hurt them i rescued them.
Lily: thank you my name is Lily and i owe you a great debt of grattitude Kusaka.
Kusaka: so you know my name i'm guessing Toshiro told you. where is he?
Toshiro: i'm right here but times have changed for us.
Kusaka: i would say you've gotten taller since i last saw you. you can come out now it's alright. Ame walked out while holding Yuki.

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