chapter 3

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as they walked to the 1st squad barracks and Lily stayed beside Toshiro, once they walked inside Toshiro addressed the Head Captain.
Toshiro: Head Captain Sir allow me to introduce to you Lily Kurosaki. Lily walked in front so the Head Captain can see her and she felt nervous about being in front of so many captains.
Yamamoto: Lily Kurosaki you are Ichigo Kurosaki's sister is that true?
Lily: yes sir he's my twin but he's my big brother.
Yamamoto: i see you must stay here and learn to channel your powers, Captain Hitsugaya shall train you. Lily and Toshiro both looked at each other Lily blushed and held her arm, they both nodded and Toshiro guided Lily to the Squad 10 barracks and Lily was being eyed by many members of squad ten.

*at Squad 10 Barracks*

Toshiro: i need to get some work done but for now i need to keep an eye on you Lily.
Lily: alright i won't fight it's just i'm so nervous about being here i feel like i'm the only human here. Toshiro walked over and put a hand on Lily's shoulder as she looked at him.
Toshiro: it's going to be alright i know this is new for you but remember i will train you, i know you can do it Lily.
Lily: thanks Toshiro. Toshiro walked back over to his desk and began working Lily heard the door open and saw Rangiku.
Rangiku: oh Captain your back i brought in some documents (sees Lily) oh hi Lily.
Toshiro: Rangiku can you get us some tea.
Rangiku: sure be back. Rangiku left and brought back some tea then placed one cup on Toshiro's desk and on the table in front of Lily, and she thanked her friend then took a drink from her cup.
Rangiku: so Lily how are you enjoying your time here?
Toshiro: she just got here Rangiku.
Lily: i never been around the Soul Society yet so i'm just trying to take it all in little by little.

Rangiku: i can show you around tonight if you'd like Lily.
Lily: no thanks Rangiku i have some training to do soon and to be honest i don't know how it's going to go. Toshiro had finished and told Lily to follow him and Lily followed after him they both went outside and Lily saw a place to train.

*in the forest*

Toshiro: try to channel your powers think of something that can help you in a fight. Lily focused her powers and created a blade then Lily took it and held it in her hands, and tested it to see how sharp it was and it sliced a few branches off of a tree.
Lily: whoa i never knew i could do that.
Toshiro: it is surprising but try something else. Lily tried to focus on something else but got scared and accidentally created icy spikes.
Toshiro: Renji what're you doing here?
Renji: i was asked to find you guys by Byakuya. (looks towards the spikes) uh did you do that Lily?
Lily: you scared me and it was an accident.
Renji: sorry didn't mean to scare you. but we gotta go. Lily held onto Toshiro as he flash stepped.

*squad five barracks*

Renji: Captain Kuchiki i brought Captain Hitsugaya and Lily like you asked.
Byakuya: thank you now Captain Hitsugaya we must leave to the world of the living there has been multiple hollow sightings.
Toshiro: right i'm coming but before i go (pulls out soul phone) this is for you Lily keep it close, if anything happens get in contact with me.
Lily: right and good luck to both of you. Toshiro smiled at Lily and left with Byakuya then Lily left with Renji and stood on a balcony and looked up at the moon.
Renji: hey Lily we all put our numbers in your phone so if your in any trouble just call us, and we will find you in no time.
Lily: thanks Renji but it's going to take some time getting used to this place i mean you and the others grew up here, but i didn't i was born in Karakura town. and i know what it's like to grow up there.
Renji: what was it like growing up for you Lily?
Lily: wasn't fun i was called a freak all my life and i was called a mistake but that was when i entered high school, but when i was a kid no one wanted to be my friend all i had was Ichigo. he was there by my side as we were growing up.

Renji: it wasn't like that for me and Rukia but things are different here in the Soul Society.
Lily: i know you guys age differently here but with Toshiro he almost looks like a fourteen year old but to be honest at the same time he's not. Renji chuckled and shrugged his shoulders then both him and Lily went to walk back to the barracks and Lily saw Rangiku.
Lily: hey Rangiku which is my barrack?
Rangiku: it's closer to the Captains follow me. Lily followed Rangiku and saw her barrack and went inside then got ready for bed and went to sleep.

*moments later*

Toshiro had gotten back and heard everyone getting drunk then he went to his barracks, right before he could Toshiro went to Lily's barrack and quietly opened the door to see Lily was asleep. he looked at her to see how peaceful when she was sleeping.
Toshiro: at least Lily is sleeping i should get some rest myself. Toshiro went to his barrack and got ready for bed.

*in the morning*

Toshiro was looking for Lily and saw her running from Rangiku.
Lily: Rangiku leave me alone i don't want to be suffocated again your chest makes it hard to breath!
Rangiku: oh come on Lily you know it's not easy being a woman.
Lily: at least i'm not being lazy and drinking sake but that's you Rangiku i have to train don't make me freeze you.
Rangiku: i f you can catch me that is. Lily smirked and started blasting some ice Rangiku only to hit her on the back she screamed from the cold seeping through her robe.
Rangiku: whew that's cold!
Lily: bulls eye i got her.
Toshiro: nice shot.
Lily: oh you saw that?
Toshiro: mhm your getting better.
Lily: (moves hair out of face) thanks.
Rangiku: Lily can you help me get this ice off of my back it's really seeping through.
Lily: sorry Rangiku. Lily used her powers and got the ice off of Rangiku's back then turned it into something different.

Toshiro: how did you do that?
Lily: i used to do this for Yuzu and Karin when they were younger it helped calm them down.
Toshiro: their very lucky to have you as their sister. Lily had a light blush on her face and created a snowball and knew who to throw it at, so she got an idea and chucked it at Toshiro.
Toshiro: Lily! Lily ran while laughing and hid from him.

*in the seireitei*

Lily kept running but bumped into someone and saw it was Toshiro she was about to run again until he caught her in his arms.
Toshiro: did you throw that at me?
Lily: i only did it for fun and cause your always so serious.
Toshiro: i can have fun too you know.
Rangiku: no offense Captain but your no fun.
Toshiro: shut up! Lily covered her mouth to keep from laughing then felt something was off.
Lily: uh guys i think something's coming. Toshiro put Lily behind him and she was scared then suddenly something slithered around her ankle and dragged her away Lily screamed then Rangiku grabbed Lily's hand then Toshiro cut the root.
Rangiku: you alright?
Lily: uh huh but what was that?
Toshiro: could've been a different hollow but how?
Gin: i think that is something for you too find out!
Toshiro: Ichimaru what're you doing here!
Gin: i came for the girl of course she could be useful to Aizen. a root was sent at Lily and she was brought closer to Ichimaru and Lily was shaking.

Gin: you sure are a pretty little thing it would be a shame to turn you into an espada.
Lily: no please don't.
Toshiro: Lily hold on i'm coming!
Lily: Toshiro look out! roots went towards Toshiro and he dodged each one but got smacked to the ground and Lily yelled his name, then she was gone.
Rangiku: no we have to tell the Head Captain Lily could be in grave danger.
Toshiro: go i'm going after Lily.
Rangiku: be careful Captain. they both went their separate ways and Toshiro found himself in Hueco Mundo.

*in Hueco Mundo*

Lily was scared she was inside a pod and tried to moved but couldn't the vines were keeping her in place, Lily looked up at the moon hoping Toshiro would find her.
Lily: please Toshiro please hurry and find me i'm scared.
Aizen: no one will find you my dear but your powers have intrigued me they could be useful.
Lily: my powers are just snow and ice their nothing special please let me go, i'm just a human i'm nothing special.
Aizen: that is where you are wrong your powers could be just as powerful as Hyorinmaru maybe even stronger. Lily was shaking and felt ice covering her body.
Aizen: what is happening?
Lily: what's happening to me?! Lily screamed and was covered in ice she was trapped inside an icy prison. Aizen had left but knew that Lily would need help then heard an explosion only to find out it was an intruder.
Toshiro: Aizen where is Lily!
Ichigo: what the hell did you do to my sister!
Aizen: she's safe but frozen it seems her powers had gone out of control i suggest you get her out, before the poor thing freezes to death.

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