Fleeting dreams take a toll

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The icy air whipped against his face as themoon glared down upon him, antagonising him

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The icy air whipped against his face as the
moon glared down upon him, antagonising him. The silver light glittering and reflecting on the sodden cobbles. His hands , pale cind claw like, gnarled with cold, hang limply ent his sides, shaking
with the bubbles of adrenaline rushing about him. The street baron and bare , not uncommon for that time of the evening. Gas lamps, flicker and fade to the giving a touch of warmth to the hole ordeal. Thought the dense atmosphere, cold and erie, still loomed over the heads of passersby, breathing down the mans neck, making his skin prickle with unease.

His leather clad feet, clash and skid against the moss -ridden stones of the path, Breathing erratically, an ashen cloud of steam rolled in front of him as his pace became just like his breath. The onyx sky
was so captivating , so breathtaking
yet it held a melancholy the drifted along in the breeze. His eyes , inky and apprehensive, flicked around the ally, his vision blurred with red hot tears.

The man needed to find it, wanted to find
it. It had to be out there, enraged and
with a temper like a bomb.

with sudden shriek out in the distance
the mysterious man , now in state of panic
reached down into the depths of his pocket. Fumbling the object in his
hand , he pulled it out. chain, gold and
shimmering in the light held onto the pocket watch. It's hour hand clicking over to the 12.

The sun bright, joyful and exciting gleamed through the ash covered buildings. Now, placing the watch in its place he turned sharply on his heel, back in the direction of his boarding house. He had run out of time once again. Yet he could not rest until he had done what was needed.

The monster had stitched and weaved
itself into the fabric of his dreams and now it had started tar infiltrate his life.

And it was not going to stop till it had him right where it wanted him!

And it was not going to stop till it had him right where it wanted him!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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