Chapter Ten

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1554 Grenwitch Palace London - The Duke and Lady Isabelle prepare for their wedding

The morning began swimmingly the sun had risen high in the sky and it was shining though the window of Isabelle's bedchamber, Isabelle and Charles were lay embraced together tightly in their loving embrace after a night's lovemaking (yet again) Once more Charles did not hold back Charles loved her thoroughly without abandon he couldn't think of a time when he was so overwhelmed qkth joy.
Isabelle was up early she couldn't sleep for the fear of the overwhelming feeling of excitement building within her in the next weeks they would be married and she would be a Duchess and and step mother to Charles's son Henry.
" My love! Whatevers the matter"? Charles asked out of concern, Isabelle turned to face her soon to be husband and replied, smiling. " Nothings the matter, dearest! I'm just a bit excited, that's all! " Charles grabbed her free hand and placed a kiss on the back of it.
" I'm sure that you will get bored of me once we're married after a few months!" Charles smiled jokingly at her.
Opening his arms, he smiled. " Come here! Come back to bed! "
If there was one thing that she was looking foward to was meeting Henry after seeing each other for six months Charles long wished that she meet his son by his late wife and her cousin Lady Margaret Dowager Queen of Portugal.
Isabelle dressed her nightgown. As she tied the tassels on the side, Charles looked at her with a questioning look in his eye, " Charles, why are you looking at me in that manner? Charles turned on his side and faced her, " I don't want to see you in that .... remove it! " He ordered.
Isabelle tooled at him ascance, " I beg your pardon! Your Grace! Have you forgotten you're supposed to be my loving husband? " Isabelle fictiously made this side up of her hands on her hips.
" I am your loving husband!" Charles defended.
" Then why would you speak to me in that manner?" Isabelle asked.
" I was curious to see how you would react, my love!" Charles beamed with a beaming smile.
" Speak to me like that again, your grace, and I'll have you put in the tower. Is that understood?" Isabelle retorted.
" Of course I'm you're loving Charles and husband now. Will you please come back into bed it's getting awfully lonely in here!" Charles replied.
For much that morning, Charles had been with his majesty dealing with counsel matters, " How goes the preparations for wedding your grace?" The King asked in front of the rest of the counsel, some of them Charles hardly knew, but since he was here he might as well answer the King's question, " The Wedding preparations are going marvellously well your majesty I can only thankyou for helping us"!
It was Cromwell who looked at the King in disgust now because he had been ordering where all the money from the disloution of the abbeys and churches of England had been going ..... Upon the wedding preparations for Charles and Lady Harrington's wedding.
" Thst is all for today, my Lords dismissed! Your Grace stay for a moment .... Charles sit"!
Cromwell had disappeared into his own chambers where his third wheel Risley was working alongside him.
" I've just heard the most shocking news! The King told counsel this morning that he had been using the money to fund Suffolks Wedding"! Cromwell told him.
The look on Risleys face was one of thunder. " Why would he do such a thing?" Risley asked.
" because Suffolk has been his best friend since he was young and Lady Isabelle is his cousin!" Cromwell explained.
" Well, would you like me to have a word with Lady Isabelle?" Risley asked.
Risley had gained a reputation for being an unscrupulous and sarstistic person at Court.
" No, Risley, we must do what his majesty would want us to do!" Cromwell told him with a huff.
But Risley would jot let it lie.
He would have to talk with Lady Isabelle.
Lady Isabelle was sat in her favourite spot in the window reading her romance book from the Royal Library when she heard a knock on the door of her chambers she had no herld but she had guard still, Charles felt it was nessercary to keep her under guard until they moved into Suffolk place and then onto Westthrope Hall.
The hall was much larger than Suffolk place but it was of little matter it was Henry's home too, and she hoped that there would be many happy pursuits outdoors like archery .
When Isabelle opened the door she saw his majesty, " Your Majesty"! Isabelle curtised.
" Oh please, cousin, there is no need for that we are family after all"! Henry smiled, clapping his hands together.
As yet Isabelle had not got anyone to give her away she had asked the King if he had no objections for her to have Lady Mary and Princess Elizabeth has her bridesmaids Lady Mary would be maid of honour.
" His Grace is awaiting blushing bride in the Royal Chapel!" The King announced.
" Your Majesty! Since my father is not here to give me away, I wondered if you would do me that honour of giving me away to Charles at the altar! Isabelle asked him.
Henry welled up with tears.
" Of course I would love to hand you over to my best friend. I have no doubt that you both will suit each other well!" Henry smiled, offering his arm.
" Come, my dear!" Henry beamed.

 " Come, my dear!" Henry beamed

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(Iady Isabelle's Day gown)

The two cousins set off down the corridors toward the Chapel, the archbishop of Canterbury Cramner had been asked, but respectfully, he declined, so Bishop gardener stepped in.
" Your Grace!" The Bishop greeted Charles at the altar.
" Bishop Gardener, I hope everything is well before the wedding in a few days. I do not wish for my beautiful bride to be upset in anyway"!
" Of course not your grace!" The Bishop replied.
Just then, the royal trumpeters sounded, and it signalled that the king had arrived.
To Charles's surprise with His beautiful young bride in her white and gold gown on his arm, her hair swept back into her hood.
As Isabelle made her way to Charles he saw her tender expression revert to welling tears as she approached him with Lady Mary and Princess Elizabeth holding her train lady Mary set down behind her and went to stand beside the Queen ... Queen Jane and Princess Elizabeth.
Henry gently gave Isabelle's hand over to Charles he smiled. " Take care of her Charles, I'll hunt you down with a pack of dogs if you hurt her!" Henry told him seriously.
" I will not I swear to you Henry on my honour"! Charles beamed.
They stood beside each other, hand in hand, the Bishop ran though the service and then they knelt before the alter with the Bishop reciting the catholic prayers as Henry expressed that the bride followed her mother's faith.
" I prounce that they are Man and wife together"! The Bishop declared.
The happy Couple faced the ground, with Isabelle beaming and smiling at her new husband.
Charles would kiss her later.
But now that was over.
" I'm so proud of you my love"! Charles whispered low into her ear as they walked the length of the carpet together.
" and I you my dearest and I you"! Isabelle beamed back.

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