Chapter Nine

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Westminster place 1536 London: The Duke and Lady Cork

The morning began brighter than usual for the Royal Court, the cardinals were still in up roar about Queen Katherine not wanting to leave the King, because he wished marry a commoner an upstart whom was in very way nothing alike the true Queen of England.... Queen  Katherine.
Princess Mary was now known as Lady Mary because Lady Anne had given birth to a girl, which was a stain upon his majesty's image.

By contrast Lady Harrington took it upon herself to be in love with his majesty's best friend Charles Brandon His Grace The Duke of Suffolk, in the past such a thing would be placed upon the king to determine a great marriage for his cousin but on this occasion at least, The King forgot all formalities and allowed his best friend The Duke of Suffolk to be with his cousin.

" Your Majesty! His grace, the Duke of Suffolk! Announced the Kings herald.

" Charles, what may I do for you? .... come sit..... tell me everything that has happened between you and my cousin Lady Harrington! King Henry demanded.
" I confess that I am deeply in love with her, since her coming to court I cannot stop thinking of her she has as much grace, and courage as any man I saw at Court, I think she'd excell even Master Cromwell"! Charles declared.

The King took a sip of wine, " And what are your intentions, my friend?" Henry asked darkly. Charles dared not laugh at the king though he was his friend, " I intend for her as Charles gave a little cough my future wife!"

" You mean to marry her Charles?" Henry asked somewhat incredulously. Charles smiled at the King. " Why yes, your majesty, I do!"

Henry had been much busy with courtly matters regarding the council.

" Charles see to it that Lady isabelle has everything that she wishes"! The King ordered.

Elsewhere in the Palace, Lady Isabelle, still heavily guarded, made her way into the gardens where she met with Lady Seymour.

" Good morning, Mistress Seymour!" Lady Isabelle curtised. Lady Jane was the new fascination of his majesty due to the fact that he was becoming tired of his Queen Anne.

Lady Jane smiled. " Goodness! My lady! You gave me a fright!

Isabelle chuckled. " Did I? I'm terribly sorry!

Jane smiled meekly and headed back inside before The Queen found she was amiss.

Isabelle had borrowed a book again from the Royal Library that much deserved some attention. Since the King himself had little use of it, he gave permission for Isabelle to use it.

Isabelle took her book out into the gardens, opening she began her wonder about the gardens reading it seemed for hours the wind was whipping strands of hair in her face as she read.

Back in the great hall, the King had just finished his conclusion of this week's conusel meeting.

His majesty did not need Charles this morning.

" Go to your lady Charles!" The King instructed.

" Yes, your majesty!" Charles smiled.

Charles left the garden, turning a right to head out of the place and into the gardens. It was indeed such a glorious day.

Charles searched the gardens for his love. When he walked through the one arch way, he found her sitting on a rock head in a book with the two guards posted next to her.

" My love! Are you sure you should be out in this heat? " Charles asked, concerned that he would become unbearable for her.

Isabelle placed the bookmark on the page she was on and stood from the rock, Charles greeted her with a soft kiss on the lips. " Good morning to you, my love! Charles jeered.

Indeed, it was not long before their wedding, and she would be known as Her Grace The Duchess of Suffolk the second duchess of Suffolk.

" My dear! How is his majesty this morning? " Isabelle asked her husband to be as they strolled arm in arm.

" His majesty is well ... all is well considering the queen's tempers"! Charles smiled.

" Why do you smile Charles? A woman's tempers are a serious matter as you well know! " Isabelle whispered, scorning him.

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