Chapter 1: Acceptance Letter 1

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Eliza Pov:

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Ugh... I groaned. "What time is it?"

I sat up in bed and reached for my phone... 7:02 am.

I got up still staring at my phone screen. It was Saturday, September the ninth and I had a tugging feeling I was forgetting something.

I knew for sure that today was supposed to be important. Something was supposed to happen but, I couldn't quite remember what it was.

I walked into the bathroom. I had to clean up. I smelled terrible and looked even worse.

I hated getting ready. Bathing, brushing my teeth, removing the tangles from my hair, picking out an outfit, bathing.

I shudder.

Absolutely horrifying.

I was going simple today. I wore wearing a plain black turtleneck (I love those) with blue jeans. Nothing too much.

I grabbed my phone & was about to head downstairs for breakfast when...

Buzz! Buzz!

My phone started to ring, someone was calling me. The contact read BFFEE.

I picked up, "Hey Alice." I said sitting back down on my bed.

"Heyyyy~," she said over the phone.

Alice was my so-called "best friend" as well as my partner in crime. I usually liked to be alone but with Alice, it was different. She was kind and sweet and always knew how to make me feel better.

"Sooo... Why are you calling me?" I asked.

"Can't a girl call her best friend when she wants to?" She retorted.

I giggled. " Can't a best friend ask a girl why she's calling her."

Alice shut up for a second. " You have a point."


"Oh yeah," She said. "I was calling to ask if you got accepted."

I was confused, what was she talking about?

"Accepted for what?" I asked.

"Don't tell me you forgot."

"Forgot what?"

"Did you get accepted into Blue Hill?"

My eyes widened with shock. So that's what I was forgetting today. I knew something was up.

"Umm... I kinda forgot." I said sheepishly.

"Guurrll!" She exclaimed. "You'd better go check your mail ASAP."

"I'll go check right now," I said getting up from my bed. "Talk to you later."

"Sure," she said "Bye ~"

"Yeah, see you."

As soon as Alice hung up, I slipped my phone into my pocket and ran out of the room. I jogged down the stairs but, before I was even halfway down, I could smell it.

I ran into the kitchen to see my big Bro Keith cooking up the scrumptious stuff.

"Morning Bro," I said "Are those pancakes I smell? Did my letter come in the mail? Did you use maple syrup on my pancakes? I hate maple syrup. I prefer chocolate.

Keith turned to face me." Morning. " He said," And yes, yes, no and I already know that.

I sat down in one of the chairs." Can I-"

" Of course, " He said as he tossed me something.

It was a letter, blue with gold trims.

Blue and gold were the colors of" Blue Hill Music Academy for the gifted."

" I can't believe it. " I said, pure shock visible on my face.

" Stop gawking and open it," Keith said grinning.

I began to tear open the envelope. It hurt me so much to destroy such a beautiful masterpiece.

Soon the envelope's contents were in my hand.

I unfolded the paper and read it.


Keith didn't have to know that... At least not now. I wanted to play a little prank on him. OMG. This would be so funny.

"I didn't get in..." I said, feigning sadness.

Keith's shoulders slumped, his grin disappeared, and his eyes lost their sparkle. He walked over to me and gripped my shoulders. "Well," he said. "That's their loss. Those stupid Blue Hill snobs don't know true talent when they see it."

He continued to grip my shoulders a determined look in his eyes. "Don't worry Liza, there will be many other opportunities for you and your music in the future."

All the stuff Keith said was heartwarming and everything, but I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing.

"Hey!" he complained "What's so funny".

I couldn't even talk properly. I was wheezing and my stomach hurt from laughing repeatedly.

"I was just joking," I said. "I did get accepted. I just wanted to mess with you."

"Ha, ha very funny". " Keith said, sarcastically.

" Yeah, it was very funny" I teased.

"Just eat your pancakes," Keith said, as he passed me a plate stacked with fluffy, chocolate-covered circles.

I sniffed them.

They smelt amazingly awesome. I dug right in.

After eating I went up to my room
to practice my electric guitar. I put on my headphones vibed with the beats and played along.

Music was my happy place.

Chapter 1: End



Hey everyone.
I'm Nightingale. This is my first time posting a story on Wattpad and it's been thrilling. I finished this chapter at exactly 11:16 pm. Then again, I started typing late.
I hope you love the story. I promise there will be more chapters to come.
I just want to say don't hesitate to comment about it if you find any grammatical errors in the story.
From now on after every chapter give a thumbs up 👍emoji if u liked it, a thumbs down👎 if u didn't like it, and a heart ❤️if you loved it.
Eliza's favorite food is pancakes with chocolate syrup what about u😋?

 Eliza's favorite food is pancakes with chocolate syrup what about u😋?

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