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— Do you wanna build a snowmannnnn — Lando sang completely out of tune making everyone laugh

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— Do you wanna build a snowmannnnn — Lando sang completely out of tune making everyone laugh

They had an incredible night surprisingly, with Fast and Furious 6 as the first movie and Frozen as a request from Rosy supported by Sophie, which no one would deny the older women in the room wishes and they could lie as much as they wanted but they had fun.

However, it was already pretty late and everyone was now getting ready to bed and it was just crazy for her to think she had Lando and Max in the same house again, even with this mess she put herself in. 

While Sophie and Pedri shared a room, she often chose to sleep in one of the guest bedrooms, it was mainly for appearances that she left most of the stuff in the shared closet in case of surprise visits from people, but she had the basics in the room she sleep on. 

They may have slept together before, but it's not like they are in a real relationship, there's no need to cross the boundaries. 

Getting ready for bed was easy and she was soon ready to simply lay down in her bed and gossip everything she could with her best friends. 

Fernando had insisted on giving his guest bedroom to the boys however they didn't allow it, he would have to share with his brother and they would leave a room empty anyways because they knew each other enough to know they would need at least the first night to chat about everything since they had just reunited. 

— Forgot how long you take on the bathroom — Max said and rushed to enter before Lando who rolled his eyes laying back down on the bed.

Max was sleeping on a single bed they had pulled from the guest room Fernando was sleeping and Lando was sharing the bed with her. 

It was an usual occurrence for them, since they were kids they were sharing beds and rooms during trips since her brother and Oliver shared due to being the first inseparable duo and Flo and Cisca also enjoyed sharing, leaving them two to share. To be honest, sometimes it all just became a huge sleepover between the six of them. 

— Ok, go inside so we can gossip — Max said to Lando who also went to get himself unready — Who would've thought we would be in Barcelona this time — Sophie chuckled nodding at him 

— I was supposed to spend a short time here — She said shaking my head

— Ok, I'll start with the questions — Lando said flopping next to her — How did you get all your stuff out of London and Monaco without us even hearing about? 

— I knew you guys would be away and also I didn't get everything out, just the basics I would need for two months — She explained

Her line of thought was that before going back to work she would have to go to both places anyways, so she could trade things she would need. Plus, she's lucky enough that she can get whatever she wants if needed.

— Is the situation actually alright? He doesn't treat you badly? — Max asked and the brunette girl shook my head

— I promise you guys I would say if he did. We're really not trying to make this a real relationship, but we understand we both are to blame for it and he's being really nice in making me company and making sure I'm comfortable — She could see them nodding

— He did seem nice — Max said and she nodded

— His family raised him well, you could see from a mile that they are nice people — Lando completed — I'm glad if this had to happen for whatever reason at least it wasn't with an asshole, I don't think I would be ok with leaving you here alone if it was someone else

— Also now we can say everyone in the OG friend group done something stupid — Max said and they all laughed loudly before realizing there were people trying to sleep 

— Yeah, whenever you tell the rest of the boys they will flip — Lando said 

— At least you guys will be able to assure that half of it is alright — Sophie said and they nodded

— I didn't want to ask downstairs but it came to my mind later, why didn't you guys divorce? — Max questioned 

— The pr team said that there would be no way to do it without at some point leaking to the media and it was something that both of us didn't want — she explained 

— Does this have already an expiration date? — Lando was the one asking now

— Not yet, he said we had to sell to the public before the start of the F1 season because I will be away and it's going to be harder, but we are starting this weekend which is even better cause you guys will be here, but we haven't decided on until when — She explained and they nodded

— So... we're going to a Barcelona game? — Lando asked and she nodded 

— Carlos will disown you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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