What Are You Doing In The Sewer?

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After Leo, Donnie and Mikey have came back from their dates with their girlfriends they've come to see Raph laying on his bed with his phone in his hands. Technically, Raph wasn't gonna ask his brothers about their dates with their girlfriends since he was the only one who didn't have one because he'd doubt that no girl would love him besides he would be better off alone.

"I'm not even gonna ask about y'all dates!" Raph said, continues to look at his phone.

"Dude, you really need to get a girlfriend sooner or later!" Donnie said, throwing his backpack to the ground as he'd got inside of his tent and into his sleeping while Mikey climbed up to the ladder, going to the top bunk.

"Ugh! Whatever!" Raph said, he'd was about to go to sleep while he heard something that bugged him so much, he figured that it was Mikey making all that noise. "Mikey stop making stupid noise, I'm trying to sleep!"

Mikey got confused. "Bro, that wasn't even me!"

The boys started to hear the noise as they've got up and went to go check it out, the noise wasn't coming from the other mutants or splinter because they were all knocked out like a light.

"It's probably coming from the sewer tunnels!" Donnie whispers as they went to go check out through the sewer tunnels of their home. They went in the tunnels as the boys were shocked that they were seeing a lot of creatures that came from the ocean.

"Oh no! No, no!" Raph said in a little anger as they've all were jumping and playing around in the sewer tunnel. "What are you doing here in the sewers?" He asked in frustration.

The kraken creatures looked at the turtles, hiding from them as Raph narrowed his eyes at Mikey, thinking that his little brother invited them down here.

"Mikey...?" He asked.

"Hey don't look at me, I didn't invite them here!" Mikey said as one of the krakens have spoken up.

"Well, nobody actually didn't invite us!" He said as the turtles looked confused.

"Wait! What?" Donnie asked as he raises an eyebrow and looked at one of the krakens.

"We were forced to come here!" He said nervously.

"By who?" Raph asked. Another kraken spoke up and he told them about the one and only Rodney Chester.

"Rodney Chester! He's sorta signed up a contract for us to come here!" He said nervously with a smile.

"So, where do y'all come from exactly?" Leo asked in concerned.

"Oh, we all came from the ocean but we're krakens who live there!" One of the kraken said.

Raph sighed. "Alright! Who knows where this Rodney guy is?" He asked as the krakens stayed quiet while the crickets chirping through the sewer tunnel.

"Does anyone else know where to find him?" Mikey asked as the krakens blinking their eyes, not saying anything until Donnie had an idea.

"Maybe I can track him down with my new invention I've been working on for the past few days!" Donnie said with a smile.

"Okay, fine! Attention, all kraken creatures do not get comfortable here in the sewers, your welcome is officially worn out! In fact, me and my brothers are gonna go see this Rodney Chester guy right now and get you all out of the sewer and back to the ocean!" Raph pointed out as the krakens cheered for the turtles.

"Guys, come on! Let's go!" Raph said as Mikey got excited about their adventure.

"Alright, this is gonna be the best adventure ever in our life!" Mikey said in a happy tone as he followed his brothers while Donnie had a tracker in his hands as Mikey started to sing. "On the road again! Sing it with me guys, I can't wait to get on the road again!"

Raph got annoyed by Mikey's singing as he turned around and told him to stop with the song. "Mikey, now's not the time for singing!"

"Can I whistle?" He asked.

"No!" Leo, Donnie and Raph said as they didn't want to hear the whistling.

"Well, can I hum it? It's not that bad!" Mikey said gently.

"Fine!" Raph said as he turned on a flashlight on his phone, shining it through the sewer tunnels.

Not Every Mutant Turtle Believes In True Love and No Kraken Has A Secret 🌹💙Where stories live. Discover now