He soon walked out the door and stayed quiet so I could hear the final shut of the door to the outside. My sobs came out of nowhere. It felt as if he was suffocating me, and I finally got a moment to myself. I cried till my tears stopped, my eyes dry from the lack of moisture. I didn’t want to wallow and waste my time, I had to get something done.

I tried to get my chair to move towards the candle. Luckily, my feet touched the ground so I could use my toes to move. After a few minutes of trying, the chair tipped over, making me hit my shoulder on the ground, I winced in pain. The thud had been so loud that it froze me. I waited to see if there were any signs of anyone approaching before continuing.

It took me a long time but I finally got near enough to the candle. I was in the right position to burn the rope off of my hands. It was going to burn my skin too but it was the only way. I bit down on my mouth cover to stop me from screaming from the pain. After my left hand loosened, I put out the candle so it would stop hurting me.

I got my other hand free and quickly worked on getting rid of the ties on my feet, completely ignoring the excruciating pain all over my body. I gasped in relief, I was finally free from the bonds. I got up and tried fixing my kimono, I was exposed and it was cold outside.

I used the fabric that covered my mouth to wrap around my burned wrist, before heading out of the room. My eyes lit up once I got near the exit, I was going to start crying again. I was going to open the door but it was locked. I kept shaking it to get it to open but it just wouldn’t budge. I wasn’t going to die like this, I just couldn’t.

I saw a glimpse of something moving out of the corner of my eyes. I turned to look out the window and realized he was coming back. Fuck! I started to look for something, anything that would help. The house was just as empty as the room I was previously in. I ran into the bedroom that I assumed was his, stumbling on my way there from the barely lit hallway.

When I entered the room, I tried not to throw up. The odor was even worse here, and I assumed the source was coming from the closet, which I decided not to look through. I looked around for anything and I knew I could defend myself immediately. In all its glory, displayed like the magnificent piece it was, was the most gorgeous katana I’ve ever seen. The only thing that worried me and made my chest heavy in anxiety was the possibility that he could fight me off. I mean why else would he own a katana and not know how to use it?

“Oh Y/n, I’m back,” I froze at the mention of my name. He spoke in almost a comforting way and it sent chills down my spine, I’ve never felt any more uncomfortable. I quickly took the katana off its display and kept it sheathed. I was only going to use it if I desperately needed to.

I peeked out the crack of the door, watching him go into the room I was in. That was my sign to bolt to the exit, he might have left it unlocked. “You little bitch!” I could hear his angry stomps as he chased after me. My eyes widened in horror when I noticed the door locked.

“You’re not fucking getting away,” I felt something trip me and I landed on the ground with a painful thud. I quickly turned onto my back as he tried forcing himself onto me. I kicked him in the groin and pushed him off of me.

“DAMMIT!” He howled in pain as he tried getting himself together to come for me again. I stood up and took out the katana, aweing the tsuka as I gripped it with both hands. Suddenly, I was grateful for the empty space that the building provided.

My kidnapper looked up to see me wielding the sword and immediately started pleading, “Please, I beg of you. Don’t kill me.” The complete one-eighty left me speechless, but I kept my guard up, it could be a distraction.

He cried and I could hear the sniffles coming from him. He was a complete coward, I’ve never met anyone like him before. I felt no remorse for him whatsoever. He was a psychopath who messed with girls until he got his power taken from him. I was disgusted beyond words.

“What the hell are you crying for, huh?” I walked over to him and kicked him as hard as I could in his face. I heard the crunch of his nose breaking from the force of my foot. His hands immediately went to his nose as he continued screaming.

“After all the love that I gave you this is how you treat me? You ungrateful piece of shit,” he pounced on me, his blood dripping all over the wooden floors.

Akaza POV: 

I searched for her everywhere that I could think of but she was nowhere in the village. Whoever took her was outside the town and it would take me a bit to hunt them down. Taking into consideration that it’s been a day, they could be anywhere. She could be hurt.

I could hear ringing in my ears as the blood rushed to my head in rage. I’m going to kill the bastard that thought they could take the most precious thing from me. What the hell was I saying? She isn’t a thing. Y/n is the most beautiful, extraordinary human that ever graced the earth, like an angel sent from the heavens. My own personal demise that I couldn’t get enough of without tainting her soul with my blood stained hands. If I found even a scratch on her delicate skin, the fucker who took her would die a slow and painful death.

I closed my eyes and tried concentrating. I was in the middle of the forest now, with villages miles away around me. I needed to listen, to pick up something that would lead me to her. I stayed still for a few minutes, tuning out the rustle of the leaves as the wind swept through the trees. Birds interrupting my attentiveness with their loud cries.

Focus Akaza! Are you going to let a few animals distract you? After just a few minutes I heard 3 different voices. All distinct in their own way but with the similarity of a troubled addict. By their conversation, they definitely weren’t nice people.

“So how’d it go with the girl?” The raspier sounding one said.

“Fuck, Y/n? She’s delicious, more than I ever imagined,” I immediately faced the direction where that was coming from.

“You always have good taste,” the third one laughed in an amused voice that made me want to tear all three of their heads off.

By the time I reached the group, the one that said Y/n had left. I wanted to end the others’ lives so badly but the need to find Y/n safe and hold her in my arms was much stronger. I followed the one that had left and it led me to this abandoned looking shack. Inside, I could hear the faint drops of a liquid, and I prayed to the gods that I knew didn’t exist that it was just water.

Then, the scent of blood hit me. Luckily, it wasn’t appetizing, it was obvious that the person injured had done illegal substances and was an alcoholic. A wave of relief washed over me knowing that Y/n’s blood wasn’t exposed, but it didn’t mean she was safe.

I strode towards the door and tore it down with one hit. I took in the sight before me, contemplating if it was real. Y/n standing, with a color changing katana that was impaling the sickening man in the shoulder. Despite her hands shaking, she seemed to be taking pleasure in the situation. The small proud smile on her face replayed in my head like a beautiful broken record that I knew was wrong.

It Started at the Temple {Akaza x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now