Chapter One -Emerald

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"Wake up sleepy, it is time for you to go to school."

"But... Luma... I don't want to go! I want to stay home and play with you." I thought to myself, but I knew Luma could hear my thoughts in my head. I slowly opened my eyes and saw my familiar purple room, and the princess bed I was sleeping on.

"Don't worry Emerald, I will be with you the whole time. Your mommy is listening outside your door to see if you are awake, so you should go greet her."

I nodded and started to stretch my tiny arms up above my head. As I was sliding out from my blue sheets my mother entered my room.

"Good morning! Be ready in half an hour, ok?"

"Ok mom. Luma woked me up on time and is helping me get ready." My mommy looked confused, like something was wrong.

"Baby, remember to not tell anyone about Luma, she is out secret, remember? Thank you for helping her though Luma." I loved having Luma with me, and she was always there to talk or to help me. She can hear other people talk, but she can only talk back to me; she said I'm a special person, that's why. It makes me sad that not everyone can have a guide like Luna.

My mommy left the room and closed my bedroom door behind her. I took off my old, comfy Barney pajamas and put on a pair of overalls over a black shirt. My mommy said that it was safest for me to wear the overalls since they cover my mark.

Luma told me that every kid that gets a guide like her is born with a mark on their hip bone in the shape of a half moon. She said that it is rare for people to get chosen, so if someone saw my mark, they could try to catch me and hurt me.

With my overalls on I brushed my teeth with my fairy toothbrush and brushed my brown knotted hair.

Afterwards, I left my bedroom and went downstairs to eat a bowl of cereal. Mommy only lets me eat healthy cereals but my Daddy lets me have Lucky Charms, my favorite.

"Grab your backpack Emerald! It's seven o'clock."

I did as my mommy said, and was soon in her tan Dodge minivan on my way to school. I live with her in a small town, so we have to drive towards San Diego because it is the closest school district.

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