Mean: Chapter 2

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The walk back from the store was quick, being that it was literally just down the block. Before you knew it, Armani and I were back inside.

I guess April and Joanne were inside of their rooms. Even the little boy was gone.

"It's hot in here", Armani says, messing with the thermostat before she got settled.

I didn't reply, I just placed my store items on the table and sat down. I reached in my bag, searching for one of my candies.

"Should wash your hands", Armani now comments, lightly tossing her bag of junk on the table.

She made her way to the kitchen sink, washing her hands.

I mentally rolled my eyes because it's kinda like: Bitch shut up. But, she was right.

I should—I was outside touching mad shit other people probably touched.

Without any actual comment, I just waited for her to finish with her hands—and then I got up myself, following her actions.

After being done with that, I tore off a piece of paper towel from its holder—drying my hands.

Armani was now at the table, munching on her chips as she toy around with her phone.

Tossing the used paper towel in the trash—I walked back to the table, resuming my seat.

I picked up my piece of candy and then unwrapped it.

"The internet is wild", Armani shook her, scrolling on her phone.

"I bet", I fake engagement, popping my candy in my mouth. I picked up my phone as well.

"How you feel about Chrisean and this whole baby situation?", Armani looks up at me, catching my attention.

Girl, do it look like a give a—

"I feel nothing honestly, don't be caring to be all invested in someone's business", I say.

Armani gave me a look. I knew what that look might be saying.

"Well I'm not invested—I just personally feel like she needs to stop taking that baby everywhere", Armani states, now opening her donuts.

"I guess— it's her baby though", I shrug, reaching for another candy out of my bag.

"Yeah and that baby doesn't deserve all of that mess", Armani keeps her opinion.

"Look—like I said. Don't be caring about any of that, especially if it's not involving me", I tell her again.

Armani didn't say anything back. She just went back on her phone, eating her donuts now.

I wasn't trying to dismiss her topic, but I honestly did not have any interest in any of that internet stuff.

I didn't even follow any celebrities or any people at that. My real Instagram account was deactivated by choice.

If I did participate on Instagram, then it was through my burner account. On that account I just watched funny videos or whatever my algorithm had in mind.

A bedroom door opened up, and out came April.

"Oh y'all back? I ain't even know", April says walking towards the front door and opening it.

"Just got back honestly, like 5 minutes ago—I was about to come bother you", I said aloud to April.

"Thank you, I tipped through the app", April said at the door, holding two pizza boxes. She finally closed the door.

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